Chap-33 Makani Phyllite Waveington

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On with the chap chappy!!!!

"Sir for the second time, we have no one on the staff named Kei".

Adrenaline pumped through my veins at and alarming rate. I knew who he was, the short glimpse was all I needed. He had tried to kill my son and now he's after my wife. Like heck that would happen.

"Then please let me in the OR", I demanded losing all the patience I mustered together.

"Phyllite", Kahiau warned pulling me away from the desk and giving the receptionist a apologetic smile.

"I know what-", Kahiau cut me off pulling me down the hall and into a closet.

"I believe you", she said in the darkness, rustling around until she found it.

"Ahhh", she screamed flying into my arms.

"What the heck", I yelled as we saw a man lying down on the floor, his face to the floor.

Upon further examination we saw who the man was, the surgeon. The surgeon who was supposed to be operating on Keira!

"Kahiau call the cops", I yelled busting out of the closet.

"Hey", I yelled to the receptionist.

"Call the cops there's been a murder", she paled but picked up a the phone dialling the number.

Kahiau reading my mind was running down the hall towards the operating room at full speed.

"The door", she screamed when I caught up to her.

A nurse came by from down another hall and I snatched her lanyard and flashed it over the door allowing us to get in.

"Here", I said throwing it back and bolting down the hall.

There were five different ways you could go but Kahiau's voice lead me down the third one.

"There",she pointed horrified.

I looked in to see her sprawled on the bed receiving some sort of liquids.

"Were is he", I cried rubbing my head.

"There, he's in the back washing up", I followed her gaze and sure enough despite the mask and scrubs we both recognised him.

"Were here, Sir stay we're you are", I looked to see the cops with their guns pointed into the wash station were Kei was.

The mist that filled the operated room was thick and gray. The nurses and staff inside the room began coughing and their distress was heard throughout the hall that Kahiau, the police and I were.

The mist cleared up and all of the staff lied on the floor in the appearance to be sleeping. But Kei, Kei was gone.

"Were going to need back up down here", one of the officers said.

"Phyllite", Kahiau whispered.
I turned to her.

"He gave them that gas, you know the one that leaked from Rouge Nation."

That's what the mist was, so the people aren't dead. There sleeping. Keira laid in her bed looking smaller and weaker than I'd ever seen her. She must have been spared though, she was and is still wearing that breathing mask.

The back up arrived and the victims were put onto stretchers and wheeled away.

A different surgeon was called an Kahiau and I went back to see the baby.

"Names", the women at the desk asked frantically.

"Phyllite and Kahiau, what's going on".

She paled and pulled us into a side room were we met another doctor.

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