Chap-28 Surface Date

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Thanks for reading my story you all mean a lot to me!

On with the story.

Phyllite's POV

The wedding preparations were well underway and throughout the course of  two weeks I had barley even seen Keira due to her responsibilities and wedding planning.

Lucky for us there was only one week left until the day I married my love.

I swam up the familiar hall to Keira's bedroom and from the sound coming from the room Alaine and Kahiau were also in there.

Knock knock

"Coming", Alaine's voice rang out. She opened the door and let me inside the room.

Automatically the smell of perfume wafted out of the room and my eyes sought out Keira.

Kahiau was straightening Keira's curly voluminous hair and it reached almost past her waist.

"Phyllite", she said looking at me from the vanity mirror.

My breath caught when she locked eyes with me. She was breathtaking with her makeup and necklaces draped around her. 

"I-I just wanted to say you look amazing. Umm the guys and I wanted to take you girls out to dinner tonight.....on the surface."

They all swam to me and wrapped me in hugs.

"So is that a yes", I asked.

Pushing me out Keira kissed me and closed the door.

"Pick us up at six", she said opening the door and closing it again.

Keira's POV

"I can't believe we're going back up, it feels like it's been forever".

"I know I feel the same way", Alaine replied in between throwing random shells out of my closet.

Kahiau sat on the bed fixing her pearl necklace that she had broken.

"Guys", she said while stringing pearls on. "Will have to get ready up there anyways so you don't gotta stress. And Keira we can get ready at your dads place that way you can see him for awhile. "

"Perfect, its 5:30 now so we can just find the boys and go, and we'd better hurry before someone calls us to do something".


We had gotten to Daddy's house and the boys were down stairs changing while the girls and I took one of the guest rooms in his new home.

"I can't believe he got a new place already", Alaine said slipping into her pink chiffon dress.

I couldn't either. Part of me was sad about the other house and all the memories Dad and I had made there.

"Yeah, he seems to be doing well", Kahiau said popping her head out from the bathroom.

Kahiau had her hair up in a braided crown all the way around her head. Diamond earrings hung from her ears and the necklace she had fixed securely on her neck. Her fit and flare dress was tight in all the right places and her red heels made her look trendy yet professional.

Alaine stood up spraying her hair with hairspray to help hold the tight curls she had just curled. Her pink dress was wrapped around her neck leaving her  shoulders exposed and her sparkled stilettos have her a girly look.

My own outfit was a little black dress perhaps a bit shorter than it should be. My newly straightened hair fell at my sides and I brought it all together with a silver heart locket and black heels.

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