Chap-27 Birthday Girl

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On with the chapter.

Howie's POV

After the commotion of the unity parade died down the Atlanteans seemed much more happy and hopeful of their future.

"Why did you come down here if you don't have a lover", Esmeralda's daughter asked me in between bites of our breakfast.

Esmeralda looked at me from across the table no doubt wondering the same thing.

"I uh, well my daughter was kidnapped and I wanted to find her."

They notes stared at me like I had food stuck to my cheek.

"She was stolen", Esmeralda cried looking at me intently.

I nodded not knowing what else to say.

I had been all through the town looking for her but hadn't had any luck.

"What does she look like", the girl said flipping through her Atlantis magazine.

I glanced at the cover and had to do a double take. Right there, on the cover was Alaine, that girl Kahiau who had dyed Alana's hair and then Alana.

I jolted up knocking the chair down in the process.

"That's her", I repeated taking the magazine and pointing to her. That's my daughter.

"Your insane", her daughter replied.

"That's Crown Princess Keira Merleah Evangeline Rene, the first.

Keira's POV

A year ago I honestly wouldn't have foreseen any of this happening. I gained two sisters, a wonderful boyfriend a family and kingdom.

I swam up off my bed and sat down in the chair to my vanity. My hair was in wild curls all around my head making me look like medusa.

To think today I was 18 years old was astonishing.

Knock Knock

"Keira are you up", I heard Kahiau yell through the door.

"Yeah come in",
I replied not bothering to start in my hair.

She swam in and came over to the mirror automatically taking a brush and going through my hair.

"We have a huge surprise for you at breakfast", she said brushing through my hair.

"Really", I gasped excited and nervous for what it could be.

She did a simple braid to the back of my head and put on my tiara. Swimming into my closet she came out with some gold shells and silver beading for my arms.

"Why so fancy", I said putting on the shell bra.

She swam over and helped me with the beads before putting some light makeup on to me.

"Well let's just say you have a visitor".

She looked at her own reflection applying some makeup to her own face as my door opened and Alaine swam I'm.

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