Chap-3 Y-you have scales!!

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Right to the chapter...... I'm good like that.

"Alana", coach yelled from the beach. "Nice work, you had a great run". "But it wasn't perfect, the judges at regionals want perfect".

I simply nodded and paddled in. I really wasn't focused I mean my hair is freakin purple. I had to tell everyone it was highlights. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. I put on my sun dress as Alaine came out of the water.

"What wrong Alana, you usually have to be pulled out if the water". Alaine said while drying off and putting on some shorts.

"What do you think", I snapped. "My hair is purple!!!" "Purple Alaine". "My run wasn't perfect like it usually is" "Not to mention regionals is in a month". "My dad is acting crazy and I haven't even texted Kei back". "My life is a mess Alaine".

I looked up breathing heavily from my rant to see Alaine backing away from me.

"What", I asked a bit annoyed. I mean now kinda isn't the time for her to be acting emotional.

"Alaine", she said with her hands over her mouth. "Your legs, t-they have scales".

I froze in my spot. To terrified to look down at my legs. The look of terror on Alaine's face was proof enough I didn't want to look. Despite her staring I looked down.

"Ahhhhh", I heard screams. Oh wait, those are my screams.

I got up and high tailed it to Alaine's car.

"Alana"!!! "Alana". Crap that voice. My heart literally sunk.

I pulled my towel over my legs and awkwardly greeted kei.

"Hey", I said as normal as I could considering I'm dying of some skin disease or something.

"I got to get back to practice,But I saw you over here and ahh you wanna go out tonight"?

"Sure", I smiled as best I could. Wait what was I saying, my legs have scales for crying out loud.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead before walking back down the beach. I hurried into the passenger side and sat down. Examining my legs I seen that there were more scales than before. Hazily I looked to see Alaine arriving with our stuff. The last I heard was her scream before I blacked out.

* A few hours later *

My head was throbbing and I awoke in my room. I threw my blankets from off of me and looked at my legs. The scales....they were gone. I ran to the mirror to look at my hair. The purple was more vibrant than ever. I sighed and ploped onto my bed. I jolted back up and ran to my dresser. I picked up my phone and called Kei.


Hey, I will be ready at 6 if that's ok

Yeah sounds great I'll pick you up then

Ok looking forward to it!

I sighed and looked at the time. 5:45.

"What, how". I ran to my window and opened it up. I leaned out a bit and yelled Alaine's name.

"What", she replied faster than I expected.

"I have a date in 15 minutes, help"

I said no more because thirty seconds later there she was brearthless at my room door. I looked in her hands and she had a dress in her arms.

"Like it", she said giving me full view of the dress".

"Ummm where's the other half", the dress looked like it wouldn't even cover my butt.

"Do you have anything else", she asked.

"No", I replied as she handed me the dress.

After I put on the dress she did my hair up into and elegant bun with a little hair out on each side to crown my face. She gave me a light make up and a few bracelets to wear. I looked in the mirror, well what could I say. I looked like a whole new me.

"I'm good, I mean honey I even surprise myself".

I laughed and hugged Alaine.

Brrgggg Brggggg

"I'll get it I heard my dad call from his room."

"Crap", I hadn't even thought of that.

I grabbed my shoes and Alaine and I ran down the stairs.

"Why come in Mr. Brooks" my dad exclaimed.

I mentally prepared for either the end of my life. A totally embarrassing story. Or both. You never really know with my dad.

I walked over to my dad and he scanned me over. I looked at him with the same puppy eyes that have worked since I was seven and he looked from me to Alaine to Kei.

"Be back by 8" he grumbled.

I ran and hugged him.

"Thanks daddy", I called walking out the door.

For once in my life the way I thought something would turn out didn't turn out to what I thought it would be. Mental note be more positive and always I mean always use the puppy dog face.

Kei led me to the car and opened the door for me. I smiled and thanked him as I got in. As he walked around the other side I smelt the beautiful scent of his truck. He got in beside me and backed out my driveway.

"Well don't you look ravishing", he says eying my outfit.

He looked at me like I was the last Oreo in the package thing or whatever it's called that they come in. I really couldn't remember because the way he was looking at me had me in a trance.

"No need to drool Alana, I know I also look great", I scoffed and looked his cocky butt in the eyes

"I was not drooling you dumbag", I replied never taking my eyes
Off his mesmerizing hazel eyes.

"Sure", he said as we pulled up into this fancy restaurant.

I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door.

"Ready Alana", he says grabbing my hand.

"I am", I reply squeezing his hand as we walked inside.

"Reservation for Brooks", Kei says to the waiter.

"Oh yes of course, right this way Mr and Mrs's Brooks.

I seen the grin plastered across Kei's face and decided not to correct the waiter who knows maybe some day...... I quickly think something else because I don't wanna be one if those crazy obsessive girls that write their crushes last name for their last name or something like that.

"Your table", the waiter says sitting us down with are menu's. After taking our orders he politely excused himself.

"You hair, is it something new"? Kei asked Alana.

"Um, you could say that I guess, don't like it"?

"No, no it looks great"!

"Your drinks", the waiter says while passing Kei his drink. He picks up Alana's water and accidentally spills some on her hands.

"I'm so sorry dear let me get you a napkin".

I look down at my hands and quickly hid them under the table. The scales they were back.

"Ah, excuse me Kei, im going to the restroom", I said as cooly as I could.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My once blonde hair is now almost completely purple. My hands have scales for heavens sake. And I'm missing my date with Kei because I'm turning into a fish. Wow, best date ever.

Crappy ending I know but things will be picking up by the next chapter so stay tuned!!!!

Hugs and kisses


Until next time mi amigos

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