Chap-9 Where are they?

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Howie's POV

"Ok, ok thank you, bye". "Crap", I already had called half of the people in town, were could they be?

"Howie, their is no sense in worrying, their teenagers". "They're probably at a party or something". Said Alaine's father Matthew.

"This is not like my Alana, she always texts or call or something, something's wrong".

Knock knock

I ran to the door practically breaking it down.

"Hello sir, Alana's boyfriend said with what must be his dad or someone behind him. "We know what happened to the girls".

I quickly brought them in and we all sat in my living room anticipating what would happen next.

Kei's POV

Sirus and I arrived at Alana's house with the "truth", of what happened to her and the other girls. I had bruises on face to help make my story more believable.

"Ok", Alana's father said. "What happened"?

"Well sir", Your daughter and I arrived at the restaurant and sat down while her friends sat a booth or two away from us". "I had gotten a call and went outside to take it". "I had just finished and was on my way in as Alana was thrown over this mans shoulder, I looked behind him and Alaine and some other girl where being drug by some other men towards the pier". "I ran after them but I was hit and fell unconscious". "I awoke on the side of the restaurant and the girls were long gone".

I looked up and tears were streaming down Howie's face. The women who I think is Alaine's mother fell to the ground sobbing. My heart. It ached. This was wrong, so wrong. And I have a part in it.

"We got a lead to were they could have been taking", Sirus said looking towards me to say my part.

"Y-yeah", I managed to get out. "We were able to obtain photographs from the restaurant security cameras". Finally, I got it out. Probably sealing my chance of ever being with Alana.

I couldn't do this anymore, my hands were shaking and the sweat was forming on my brow. Its crazy how he can ruin lives and not look back. My conscious has been and will be eating away at me if I continue.

"I have room in my SUV for a few people, if any of you want to come". Sirus says after sending me a death glare.

Immediately Matthew, Howie, and Rick stood up and started for the door. If only they knew what awaited them in Sirus's truck.

"Come Kei, Sirus say brushing up towards me. "You better not mess this up", he whispers as he makes his way out the door.

Sirus's POV

That idiot boy better not mess things up. Everything was falling into place, there is no room for error now. If it's true and that girl is Elikapeca's daughter, the fate of my plans rest in her death.

"Come gentlemen", I say motioning to the black Honda SUV, we must get going".

I silently chuckle as I take the drivers seat, this was all to easy.

"Ready men", I say waiting for their response. "Good, let's go".

I pressed the lock button, and immediately shrieks were heard from the others seats.

"Sorry boys, it had to be done", I say as Kei leads Matthew's wife into the vehicle. Once she was strapped in by the metal retainer, we came one step closer. One step closer to me being ruler of the sea.

Keira/Alana POV

"Two weeks"! You have to be kidding me. "How am I supposed to take all this on.....I mean I can barley use my tail let alone marry and become Queen of Oceana". "Let's not forget the fact I don't even know the guy".

My life was getting harder and harder to believe.

"Keira, please it's what has to be done". I looked at my mother, then from Alaine to Kahiau. Why couldn't they see the problem in all this. I'm a child, a child! This is way to much.

"I'll be back", I mumbled while swimming out the room.

This place was huge. I wondered around for awhile taking in all the sights. The beautifully crafted coral and shell houses. The sea gardens and wildlife. On completely different circumstances, I would have loved to live here.

"Are you lost", A voice said from behind me.

I turned around and was face to face with a man, who easily could fill the title of Hottest man on earth. I felt myself staring at him and quickly glanced away focusing on all the other mer people swimming by.

"I'm Phyllite, he says extending his arm.

"I'm Al-Keira, I say giving him my hand. He places a gentle kiss and looks me in the eyes.

"So your our lost princess, and a beautiful one at that". The feeling of my cheeks burning let me know I was blushing.

"Thank you", your quite a catch yourself if I might add". He laughed and took my arm.

"Shall I escort you back to the castle love"? With a quick nod of my head Phyllite and I were headed back to the castle.

"Why did you swim off earlier, was something wrong".

That question could take forever to answer so I just made it simple.

"I uh, I have to get married in two weeks". I looked down still feeling the anxiety of this whole situation.

"Oh, I see". Was all Phyllite could say as they neared the castle".

"See you around, your majesty", Was the last she heard before being swept away by servants to prepare for her wedding.

I did my best with this chappy! But I had to fit a lot of info in so, the next one will be better, I promise. I'm going to start a did you notice at the end of every chapter.

Dyn (Did you notice)
That Kei had a hard time betraying Alana/Keira.

How Phyllite acted about the news of Alana/Keira's wedding. Hmmm possible love triangle?? Possibly.

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