Chap-17 Night on the town

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Keira's POV

Thought for sure your mom was going to end our night on the town before it even started ", Collen said closing the door to the seahorse carriage.

The driver hopped on top, took the reins and there we were headed for a fun night on the town. The scenes on the way were beautiful cascading hills of sand and coral reefs. We were getting far enough away from the castle that the city of Atlantis was coming into view. Cute houses and citizens all around. I never even had a chance to meet any of these people. The carriage stopped and I zoned back into the conversation.

"I think we should go to Shells and tails", Kahiau exclaimed happily. Shaking her torso around. "I think I need some new shells.

"Yayyyyy I'm in", Alaine yelled getting out of the carriage.

"Great", Collen said as he and Dariens exchanged looks.

"Oh come on guys let's stay together for a bit. It is a sight seeing trip". 

Collen and Dariens shot me some thankful glances and I couldn't help smiling.

"The driver will be back in two hours", Phyllite said returning to the group.

He swam over and pulled me close.

"So how about a night on the town Keira?"

"Well", I stated turning around. "Let the fun Begin".

Sirus's POV

"I'm growing impatient Howie, you will tell me how you got the daughter of the most powerful kingdom in all of the seven seas".

Sirus stormed out of the room and locked it behind him. Howie's body hurt so bad that he was fading in and out of consciousness.  He'd do anything to stop this beating but he himself didn't know the answers. The door clicked and he tensed waiting for the blow that was sure to come.

"Come on man".
A voice different than that of the one who had him beaten said.

Howie mustered all of his strength and turned around to face Kei.

"Just tell me what you know", Kei asked swimming over to a near by chair.

"N-Nothing, that's the truth", I f-found Alana one day after a bad storm. I tried to take her to and adoption agency but they were full. I've had her ever sense. "

"Ok, ok thank you". Kei knew he was telling the truth.

"Take him back to the cells were the others are".

"And give them all another dose of the breathing liquid".

Kei went down the corridor and found Sirus in the dining hall.

"Sirus", he said swimming in and sitting down.

"The man's telling the truth. Somehow after that tropical storm he found her".

"It's crazy but it's true."

Sirus shot frantic glances all around the hall. Even he didn't want it to come down to this but he had no choice.

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