Chap-18 The Ceremony

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Well after that last chapter I'm sure you guys are just ready to get into the story but I just wanted to say I really hope you guys enjoy this story, it would give me a lot more confidence if you could comment your opinions. Thanks!

Hope you like the new cover.

On with the story.

Have you ever felt like you could see, like visibly see an emotion? And no matter what you did you couldn't escape the reality of the things happening around you? The feeling that something within you changed and you knew that you would never be the same again.

Those were the exact feelings that Keira  felt during the burial ceremony. Her Godfather Howie, was dead. Her best friends parents......were dead. Alaine looked as if she was dead. Looking ahead in the distance with un-shed tears in her eyes. The sky seemed to play along with the emotion of the day as it was a thick mass of grey diluted by the cold and dark water.

Keira's POV

Putting my feelings aside I swam over to Alaine and Collen to better hear the words of the Chief Elder, Lemano.

"We will not forget these lives", he said.

"For this is just the beginning, of those who innocently died for our Kingdom. "

Phyllite and Dariens along with four other guards headed in with the caskets. The grave sights were all ready dug and the flowers and markers had been prepared.

"The queen has granted them burial in the royal resting place". Murmurs of agreement were heard all around.

Alaine held her head up high and wiped the last of her tears.

"What, we're are you going", I whispered.

She held my hand in one of hers than took Collens in her other as we past the barrier and headed towards the casket. Letting us go she sank down and kissed all three of the caskets.

"Goodbye momma and daddy. You to rick", and with that she sunk her face into Collens neck and was led up the palace stairs.

I payed the rest of my respects and vowed. They would be avenged. And I would get my father back.

~ The royal throne room~

"We are gathered here today", my mother spoke.

"To take in an orphaned daughter, whose parents died in knowing this kingdom".

My father swam up behind my mother and brought up his golden septor.

"Come child", my father motioned towards Alaine.

"You are not flesh of my flesh, or blood of my blood. But in your perfect submission to Atlantis, and this family you herby have been adopted. You will bare the name, the honour and the title. All hail Princess Alaine lynn, the newest crown princess of Atlantis. From this day on till the day of her death, forever a crown princess. "

The room erupted in clapping and cheers as the crown was placed on Alaine's head. Keira and Kahiau exchanged teary glances, as of today they had a new sister.

Elikapeca pointed the septor at Alaine and the necklace she wore fell off. Her face changed to that of panic because she couldn't breath but then everything was bright and she was still. She had a tail. A real one. Her face beamed as she swam to my father (now her's too) and gave him a hug. My mother joined and I watched the moment. A new member to our family. A beautiful moment indeed!

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