Chapter- 34 The balance of power

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Keira's POV

"I can't, I won't Kahiau. Not without my baby."

No one understood me. The waves were rolling and turning with an anger that matched that of my impatience.

"Listen Keira. The only way to get him back is to fight for him. He's not up here Kei took him below the surface and staying her accomplishes nothing."

Alaine was already standing on the wooden rails of the pier, I placed a leg up and climbed up turning back to help Kahiau up.

Linking hands we looked at each other before jumping in the ravenous waves. The current was almost to much to bear but the deeper we got the easier it was to swim.

Kahiau was right the ocean felt terrible. Like it was crying. My body ached with the dull pain of my procedure but I beat on against the pain keeping up with Alaine and Kahiau.

"Guys", I screamed stopping short. We formed a sort of triangle as a beast so grotesque began circling us. It resembled a seahorse. A gigantic one illuminating a dull white light and fangs as long as my arm bared at me.

"Dear heavens", Kahiau cried summoning her purple trident. Alaine did the same with her blue one me being the only one weapon less.

Alaine took a jab at the beast stabbing its face causing more of the white to ooze out of it.

"It's a Souless", Kahiau cried breaking the triangle and moving quickly so now the three of us circled it.

Hitting it again Kahiau dogged the attack turning a circle and giving it another jab. Enraged the beast pushed her over slicing her arm in the process. The red of her blood tainted the ocean and fuelled its frenzy as it pulled its head up ready to impale her with its fangs. Alaine pulled back releasing her arm to full strength and hit the creature with her trident. Knocking it away it reared up ready to come at her.

I breathed in taking the turmoil of the ocean inside of me and locked eyes with the creature. My blue eyes turned electric as I pulled my arms back and transferred all my pain into the Souless. It thrashed and turned until it stopped completely. Dead.  I felt my whole being began to change as I took on the weight of the ocean. My tailed turned completely silver gold marks etched all around it. My shirt was replaced with iron shells glittering along the pearls hanging on my shoulders. My purple hair flew wild and free as my crown appeared on my head. A trident appeared in my hand electric blue just like my eyes were.

"Kahiau", I yelled swimming over and dropping my trident holding her head up.

The cut was deep.

Feeling the water again I placed my hands over her arm closing up the wound.

"You, you did it Keira", Alaine yelled swimming circles. You killed it."

Kahiau sat up smiling at me weakly. I have a feeling we'll be seeing more.

Taking up my trident I pointed it at both Kahiau and Alaine giving them outfits similar to mine. Their crowns appeared by themselves as we swam full speed together to Atlantis.

If it's a war Kei wants. It's a war Kei will get.

Phyllite's POV

The attack yesterday evening had everyone in a state of panic. All of Atlantis was sent under protection no citizen was to leave their homes.

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