Chap-26 Peace treaty

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Hey guys!!!

Enjoy the chapter. And please comment.

Keira's POV

The elders were seated on the right of the royal thrones. Mother and Father of course were on the thrones and Alaine, Kahiau and I were placed next to mother. Sirus and his recovering daughter Nirvanna were seated and across from them Salinas and her parents the King and Queen of Oceana sat.

"We are gathered here today", the chief elder stated swimming down the middle aisle.

"To unite kingdoms who in the past were enemies, but now reunite together as comrades in the ocean we all share and call home.".

The royal scribe came forward with three scrolls and handed them to Elder.

"These documents serve as binding agreements of this day, the day we all embark on oceanwide peace and unity".

The whole room erupted in applause as the documents were signed by Daddy, Sirus and the Kind of Oceanan.

Salinas swam forward into Sirus's arms and he picked her up spinning her around. They shared a kiss and the cheers increased.

"Let's do it Salinas", Sirus said placing her back down.

She looked around and nodded.

"Filo", mother called.

He swam forward and mother spoke to him.

"Marry them now, were all here anyways".

He nodded and everyone sat down again in anticipation of the ceremony.

"Keimana", Salinas called.

"Would you be my maid of honour"?

"Of course", Mother said. Swimming over to her and giving her a hug.

"Girls come on", she said placing us on her side as bridesmaids.

Dariens, Collen and Phyllite acted as Sirus's best men and the wedding started.

After the vows the newlyweds went away to a special room mother had prepared for them.

"Ahh", I said watching them go.

"I love weddings", Phyllite came up from behind me and help me close.

"Yeah well were next", I turned around in his arms to face him.

"Yeah but let's do it on the surface", I suggested.

"Why", he asked twirling me around.

I smiled at him suggestively.

"Well you did say you only go to the surface for two reasons, and we wouldn't be going on palace business so......."

Kei's POV

Kei's lungs began to burn as he ran faster and faster across the ocean shoreline breathing in the familiar salty air. Something about moving his legs and getting his heartbeat up made him feel better. The pain and regret of all he had loss and had giving up powered him to run on. The sun beat down on his bare back warming him and giving the feeling that he was safe and warm. The breeze caressed his cheeks and ran through his hair.

Meeting his mother, his real mother affected him in away he never new could releasing emotions he never thought he could feel.

He stopped running noticing the beach coming to life with early birds, older couples and surfers getting ready for their runs.


He loved to surf almost as much as he loved to run. He and Alana had both been prime candidates for regionals this year but of course that changed.

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