Chap-32 Palace life

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Hope you all enjoy.

Keira's POV

"I can't go like this Kahiau", I cried examining myself in the mirror. Don't get me wrong the past 6 months have been great but I was getting as big as a whale.

"Hun your pregnant ok, no ones gonna think your really fat ok".

I rolled my eyes rubbing the swell of my stomach. To think in just three months I'd meet my baby made me swim circles in joy.

"I just don't think I want to go to the ball is all, and plus fathers coming down from the surface and I have arrangements to make".

Glancing at me Kahiau handed me my outfit and swam out of the room.

"Great", I mumbled looking at the shirt she had given me. It was lovely and definitely would pop out my eyes.

"There's my baby, oh and hey Keira", Phyllite said swimming towards me and placing his hand on my belly.

"Wow, it's almost time he said eyeing my ever growing stomach."

I nodded looking him in the eyes.

"Are you nervous", I asked him.

"Terribly", he admitted.

"Well I'm the one who has to actually birth the baby", I joked poking his side. 

He sat there in thought.

"I would if I could Keira", he said seriously.

My heart melted and I got as close as my stomach allowed.

"That's very sweet", I said kissing his nose.

"I see your already dressed", I said noticing his full court dress.

"I am and why aren't you", he asked.

I laughed and swam over to my vanity.

"Kahiau just dropped off my outfit. Well shirt I might add and it looks like it opens in the front, no she didn't", I gasped holding it up.

Swimming into the washroom I changed into the outfit and looked to see how it flowed open revealing my baby bump. It was cute I thought spinning around. And it is too late to change.

Keimana's POV

"Oh let me see her", I gushed as the ball was in full swing and Sirus and Salinas had joined us with the newest part of their family. Baby Aolani.

The sweet child had the dark hair of Sirus with the bluest eyes in the seven seas.

"She's a pearl", I said holding her to my chest.

"She is isn't she", Salinas doted happier than I'd ever seen her.

Kei swam up with his human wife Jules who spent her time in Rouge Nation leaving her land life behind.

The way Salinas glanced at Kei and his sister warmed my heart. Happier than ever she had her children with her as well as the love of her life.

Phyllite's POV

The night went wonderful. All the couples dancing and enjoying happy times just as life should be.

"Go dance", Keira demanded sitting down on one of the chairs.

She continued talking to another women while holding the others persons baby in her arms. She was a natural.

Smiling one last time at her I looked around at all of the other dancing couples.

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