Chap-6 My WHOLE birth story

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I just liked the pic lol and enjoy the chapter!! Probably should've cropped it but......

"Well Keira, mom tells it better but I'll do my best", Kahiau said about to start the story.

* Flashback *
Queen Kaimana's POV

"My queen, we have to get you to the surface.... The Evils, their here".

"I can't just leave the people, I'm their queen".

"My lady, I'm afraid you have no choice....Kings orders".

"Who does he think he is", I screamed. "I am ruler ever much as so he is". A sudden pain erupted in my stomach. I grasped my swollen belly as Tanga (her guard) held me and started for the surface. "Ahhh", the pain was intense. I feared I wouldn't make it to the surface in time. Each contraction sent my nails digging into Tanga's shoulders. We neared the surface and the force of the waves above was almost to much for a mer to swim, let alone carry another. He faught the force and we finally broke surface. As we neared the shore our tails disappeared and I found myself being carried on the beach.

"Tanga", I screamed for the pain was becoming unbearable.

We came to the rocky side of the shore and came upon a small cave. He layed me down inside and started pacing.

"Tanga, ohh help me", I screamed while still seeing him pacing around.

"My queen, I-I don't know what to do". A very scared Tanga says..

"I'll help you just come here", I managed to get out.

Hours past and there Tanga was holding my hand and assuring me through this long process. The lightening and thunder adding a nice and dramatic tone to the whole situation.

"Come on, the head I see the head". I gave the final push and their she was. Princess Keira merleah Evangiline René the first. My Joy was short lived as a second wave of contractions hit me.

"I don't believe it", Tanga yells as he is guiding the breach baby out. The baby was born tail first. That's right she was born with a tail.

"After another few minutes of labor Princess Kahiau Meray Evangiline René was born.

The shock on both Tanga and is
I's face was unnerving.

"My queen, their twins". "But I'm afraid one was born of a tail and the other legs".

I looked at my babies. They were beautiful. But I knew what I had to do.

"Tanga, take Kahiau and protect her with your life". "I will be back soon".

Hours past as I sat in the small cave with my newborn. She was beautiful her blonde hair and big blue eyes. The storm let up and I was faced with the task before me. I layed Keira down in the sling I had crafted for her and walked out if the cave. I hadn't been to the upper world in awhile and the walking took some getting used to. I climbed up a bit on the rocky shore and there he was. I reached him and peered down. He looked asleep. I sang the words of an ancient hymn and he began to wake up. I looked him over and gave Keira to him. With one last glance I looked from Keira to him and jumped into the water. His voice. I heard him calling. I came up to the surface and gave him my name. "Kaimana". And with that I swam away.

* End of Flashback *

I really didn't know what to think. I mean this is real and this is true. I'm a mermaid. I have a twin. I'm a princess.

"Wow Kahiau, I'm ready". "I want to be a full mermaid". "But just wait a couple days". "I have regionals and...." I started to say until Kahiau cut me off.

"Keira, we don't have a couple days". "The Evils, the rouge mer people". "Their coming, their forces stronger than ever we need you, the prophecy must be fulfilled". "Or the ocean and everything in it will die or be taken captive". Kahiau's voice was fearful and panic filled.

"Prophecy, what prophecy"? I mean the surprises just don't end.

With tears in her eyes Kahiau recited the prophecy.

Together from birth
To save the blue earth
One of a tail
Is the one who can tell
The path of the Savior
One from above
Come bound down by love
To save our sea's
Make all mer free
And rein forever
The realm of the elders.

beware young queens
Who rein in supreme
Power destroyed
If valiant love is toyed
Flesh against flesh
Blood against blood
Together in the highest
Alone falls the mightiest

How could all if the guilt in saving the ocean fall on me. I'm just some girl. As average as average can be.

"Alana", Alaine called. "Were in this together". She smiled a genuine smile my way and I gladly returned the favor.

"Ok", I pledged. "I'll do it". Both Kahiau and Alana both started screaming with joy.

I guess they can scream with Joy, they don't have to face changing painfully into a mermaid. I heard my phone ring and it was a message from Kei.

I know your secret, believe me I do. I decided to forgive you meet me tommorow at three on pier.

He couldn't possibly know could he?

"Guys, I said walking towards the girls". "Look at this". They read the message and both looked at me.

"I guess will find out tommorow". And with that we argued over the bed and went to sleep.

So much information in this chapter. But anyways lol I hope you enjoyed. Next Chap will be Kei and Elikapeca's POV. BTW Elikapeca is the King, Kaimana's husband and the twins father.

Bye bye

Until next time

Mi amigos


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