Chap-31 Better believe it

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"This is heaven", Kahiau moaned whilst getting her pedicure.

"I want hmm pink", Alaine requested as then nail salon worker got down the bottle of polish.

The seaweed on my face was coming off in the strips that it had been placed and the smooth results were stunning.

"Now this is vacationing", I said leaning back in my chair.

We finished our treatments and paid leaving the spa and heading for the mall.

"We need to look really nice tonight guys, I sorta have a big announcement".

Alaine and Kahiau shared a quizzical glance but shrugged it off when the boutique sign came into view reading a 50% sale.

"Ahh", they squeaked high tailing it into the shop.

The racks had been newly stocked and it was hard to find something. I don't know, special enough. I mean what I had to say was big.

Flash back to last night.

I looked to my left wrapping the sheets around my body. The soft breaths and rising of falling of Phyllite's chest warmed me.


That feeling....again.

I slipped into my robe careful not to wake Phyllite and ran into the bathroom were the contents of our special room service orders were immediately emptied into toilet.

This can't be happening. It's not. Is it?

Running back into the room I grabbed my jeans and pulled them on almost falling in the process. Finding the room card I slipped out the door making my way down to the drug store located in the lobby.

"Please be 24 hour", I said breathlessly stepping off the elevator.

It was! Walking in I went to do what I needed to...I bought the test.

The way back seemed longer than I expected. Or maybe it was me.

I slid the key into the door and put the test in my robe pocket before walking in.

"Where were you", was Phyllite's immediate response as the door clicked shut behind me.

"The drug store, what are you doing up?"

He shrugged pulling me close to him and walking us back to the bedroom.

I laid on the bed listening to his Breathing. I needed calm. I don't feel calm at all. In fact I could.....better not say it before I do actually vomit.

I had to know this, the cold greeted my bare legs again as I walked into the bathroom. I opened the box and followed the instructions.

Now waiting I huffed breathing in with my back against the door. For the second time this night time went slowly.

I can't be a mom. Im literally 18 and just married.

But, I mean I do love kids and Phyllite.

But I'm 18!

My eyes went from the floor, up the sink and on to the rest. Where I saw the perfect plus sign in full view.

I was pregnant .

End of flashback.

"Keira look at this", Alaine said holding out a dusty gold dress with tall black pumps.

"Go, try it on", she said pushing me towards the dressing room.

When it was on I did a spin evaluating the shape of my body. Nothing noticeable, not like I was creating life or anything. Before I knew it the tears were streaming and the sobs racking my throat.

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