Chap-11 On this perfect day

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Phyllite's POV

The girls came out the bathroom in incredibly cute matching outfits. My gaze immediately went to Keira who looked as if she was in deep thought.

"We got a whole day girls, what's first", I barley finished my sentence before Kahiau and Alaine screamed shopping and took off down the boardwalk.

"Dariens, Collen, go with them now". They gave a quick nod and ran after the girls.

"Well, that leaves you and me Phyllite", Keira said making my heart accelerate.

"Then let's get something to eat", I agreed immediately and she grabbed my arm as we headed off to find a restaurant.

Alaine's POV

"How about this one Collen", I asked him for about the thirtieth time.

"Its the same as the last five Alaine, except this one is blue",

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the clothing racks were Kahiau was.

"Kahiau, I asked. "Do mermen date human girls. I could tell I took her by surprise as she dragged me out the store.

"Who is it", she demanded.

"Collen", I say barley audible as she jumps up and down.

"Well Alaine, they do now, let's go get you all dressed up and then leave". "They won't know were we went and come looking for us". "We'll go to a restaurant, and be dressed to the nines, making it your first official date with Collen".

I looked at Kahiau dumbfounded. How did she come up with that in like five seconds.

Phyllite's POV

We walked arm in arm down the board walk. She looked around as if this was completely normal. She led me into this small dinner and we sat down. A waitress came roller skating to take our orders and left.

"You know Phyllite, this is probably the worst birthday of my life", I looked at her saddened face and it was like all the hurt she was feeling hurt me to.

"I didn't know it was your birthday Keira, I feel awful", She quickly replied saying.

"No, no I'm not blaming you". "I like you, not like that kinda like but, I-I mean like I do like you but Seymour and....... Can I be excused". She hurried from the table and ran into the bathroom.

Through that whole mumbled mess she just spoke, I took away three words. "I like you", she said. Suddenly rage consumed my whole being, the only thing holding her back from me is that sorry excuse of a prince.

"Your orders", the waitress says laying our food down and starring at me like I was crazy.

"Uh...thanks", I say awkwardly as she walks away.

Moments later Keira came walking from the bathroom, her eyes swollen from tears. She sat with her head down and messed around with her food.

"Keira, Can we talk". Her lip began to quiver as she looked up at me.

"I'm sorry Phyllite, I shouldn't have said that, I have responsibilities and I'm engaged, but I feel horrible like I'm selfish cause I don't want to marry him and I'm already a horrible princess and I supposed to save the whole ocean, I just don't think I can.."

She slowly began sobbing at the other end if the table. I got up and and sat on the side she was on.

"Listen Keira, I'm going to get you out of that wedding, I promise".

She looked up and me and flung herself into my arms. We stade like that for awhile until I heard laughter behind us.

"Well, well", Alaine giggled. "Secret lovers". I looked down at Keir who was pressed up against my chest and laughed. Her cheeks were redder than a rose.

"Come on Keira", Kahiau said pulling her out of the seats. "We have to get you dressed".

Collen's POV

"Phyllite is going to kill me", were the only thoughts coursing through my mind as Dariens and I ran down the boardwalk.

"Were the heck could they be", Dariens yelled punching a pole near some dinner. I looked through the window to see Phyllite eating a meal.

"Dariens", I said turning to my friend who ran into the dinner. Following him in I seen The girls walking out the bathroom.

"Alaine", I say running over to her. "You had me so worried don't ever", I stopped realizing I was yelling.

"I'm sorry, I just freaked out I guess". Alaine stepped forward looking me intently in the eyes.

"Dinner"? She asks, never letting her eyes leave mine.

"S-sure", I stuttered, what is this girl doing to me. We walked to a table for six and Phyllite, Keira, Dariens and Kahiau joined us.

"Well this isn't awkward at all", Keira says breaking the long silence.

"Are you excited for your wedding", I asked breaking the silence. I felt my leg being kicked from under the table, and received a glare from Phyllite.

"I guess", was Keira's simple reply as she messed around with her drink.

"Wait", I said now understanding. "Are you and Phyllite together".

"Sorta, kinda..... How are you and Alaine". She said avoiding my question.

"Good I guess, I mean were just friends". I lightly laughed, but everyone was looking at me liked I'd lost it.

"I can't date when I'm betrothed, I don't understand why you are Phyllite, Nervana turns eighteen in like four months".

"W-who is Nervana", Keira asked looking towards Phyllite.

"You know what, it doesn't matter". "We wouldn't have worked anyways, I'm getting married next week". "And have duties and.........". That's all Keira could say before surrendering to tears.

"Can I please go see my father", She asked looking down.

"I would to Alaine says, looking everywhere but me.

"Fine, let's go", Phyllite says getting up to pay the bill.

Keira's POV

The ride to Alaine and my house was dreadful. No one talked, everyone head down. I couldn't believe Phyllite, how could he. Leading me on like that. Life isn't supposed to be like this. But it doesn't matter. I'm soon to be queen, I have priorities that happiness doesn't mix with.

"You coming", Kahiau says extending her hand.

"Yeah", I say grabbing it and walking with her to my front door.

"Ahhh", I hear Alaine scream. I let go of my sister and run to the doors".

"What, what Alaine", she points to Phyllite who looks like he's about to kill someone.

"Phyllite", I say wanting answers. He hands me a note.

It's simple, give us the princesses and will give you the parents
- Sirus

"What's that beeping", I hear Alaine say as I'm being grabbed. I look back to see Kahiau and Alaine being carried to. Just as we were turning the corner a fiery blaze erupted from my house sending smoking fragments everywhere.

"No", I screamed thrashing in Phyllite's arms. He kept a good grip on me while I sank to the ground in sobs, the only hone I've ever known. Burning to the ground.

Wow, a lot happened lol.

Alaine likes Collen....hmmm interesting

Phyllite is engaged!!!! What?? That two timing jerk....or so you think.

That's all folks

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