Chapter- 36 Goodbye

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"Keira!" Alaine and Kahiau swam over and locked me in the biggest hug I ever had. Laughing I hugged them back elated.

"Makani!" I gasped swimming up. Grabbing my arms Phyllite pulled me to him.

"Phyllite my mother, the baby we have to..." cutting me off Phyllite pressed my head towards his looking me in the eyes and smiled .

"They are on their way, Tanga had them escorted to the safety bunker calm down", sinking into his arms I allowed myself to be calm.

"Your ok, were all going to be ok." Lifting up my head he leaned in and kissed me sending tingles up my spine and back again.

"I love you", he said pushing me back looking at me.

"I love you too Phyllite", my voice cracked and I pulled my hand back wiping my eyes.

He looked at me just then with that same boyish charm that got me every time.

"Keira", I heard my mothers voice and turned to see her and my smiley boy in her arms.

"Mom", I yelled back swimming into her arms.

"Jules", I said turning to hug her.

Taking Makani in my arms for really what felt like the first time I took him in. His beautiful eyes were really the only thing that held Phyllite's looks other than that he was my mirror image.

"My sweet baby", I cooed kissing his cheeks.

"Nooo", I heard someone scream and looked to see Dariens and Collen holding Jules back who was just a few feet from Kei's lifeless body. Holding Makani to my chest I swam over to her.

"Jules...", I said placing an arm on her shoulder.

"Keira...please. I have lost everything that has meant anything to me in a single day. Everything. I have nothing without him. I love him, I told you this how could you kill him, how could you." She sunk to the floor in a pile sand flying up all around her.

"Take him", I said handing my sweet boy over to Phyllite.

"Jules, you have family here. With us in Atlantis. This wasn't fair, not to you or me, or anyone else. We have to except and move on. Together. I have given my everything for this kingdom. Everything. I have the hope and the peace that it wasn't for nothing. That this wasn't all in vain. And it wasn't and it won't be that way for you either."

Nodding she looked up at me and engulfed me in a hug. Smiling I hugged back just as hard.

"Your like a sister to us, it would do me great honour if you would stay and live with us in Atlantis, in the castle."

"The castle", I realised looking at the ruins of where our beautiful castle once had been. My body began to shake. And the cool and calm of the ocean wound its way through my veins granting me its power. A glow brighter than a thousand suns shone through from the surface lighting up the ocean floor. Force as strong as an earthquake rumbled through the ruins as the rock began crumbling and rising up from the sea. My electric eyes followed everything as if my single gaze was controlling everything. Breaking from the surface and shaking my hair I watched as the broken rock and marble began moulding itself into a golden palace, water streaming through it all as it reached completed glory and sank back through the water with a thud sand and shells flying around in the air creating a thick mist.

"Merciful Heavens", I heard daddy say looking at the creation that stood before us.

Taking mother by the hand daddy pulled her close and we all looked as the new castle gates opened beckoning us to step inside.

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