Chap-15 The Elders Meeting

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"All rise.", the chief elder exclaimed hitting his stone gavel against the coral podium.
"This is an important meeting and we must discuss the best way to use our advantages."
Murmurs of agreement were heard all around the council hall as Lemano the chief elder began his lecture.
"We will no longer have meetings filled with hope and uncertainty."
"We have our leader and she will rise, above all and defeat the rouge nation, bringing all of Atlantis to where it will rightfully stand."
A roar of clapping vibrated off the marble pillars of the council hall.
"We will be the rulers, the rulers of the seven seas."!!!
The meeting progressed as ideas and plans were formulated. Funny what an upper hand will do to your spirits.
Kaimana's POV
My beautiful baby was nestled in between my arms as we laid together on her bed. Her chest rising and falling in time with my own brought my mind back to the day she was born. And the few hours we spent together in that cave. I knew what I had to do, a mother always knows. Yet it didn't make it any easier. A deep anger began to erupt in me as I looked at the red of Keira's arms. How dare those guards handle her that way. I would attend to them just as soon as my child was rested. I vow from here on now. We won't be separated. And I fully intended to keep my word. We were separated once, but never again.
Keira's POV
I awoke with the soft hum of whispering that came from Alaine and Kahiau.
"Your up!"
They yelled in unison. Over the past couple of days it was as if Alaine became our triplet. We were all inseparable. In one swift motion they both were by my side and we just sat there hugging.
"Hey is it my turn?"
No one needed to tell me who was standing there. Alaine and Kahiau got up off of me and I swam as fast as my tail could carry me into Phyllite's arms. Which with all my swimming practice was pretty fast if I do say so myself. And I do!!
"Oh I was missed.", he chuckled into my hair.
Pulling away I looked up at him, "Nice to see some things never change,"
"Oh yeah, well here's something else that hasn't changed, how about you three meet up with the boys and I for a night out in Atlantis. It's time you get to see your kingdom from the eyes of a regular mer-person."
I swam a few laps making it seem like I was busy. Then huddled up in a circle with Alaine and Kahiau and we acted like we were thinking. Finally we looked back.
"I guess I can fit you in", he rolled his eyes and with a kiss to my cheek he declared he would be back at seven.
Kahiau swam up to me and laughed. She needn't say anything, we both new what each other was thinking. That life couldn't get any better.
Yet........deep in my stomach something was fearful. Because nothing ever lasted long in my life, especially here in Atlantis.
Howie's POV
There really was no way any of us could tell where we were since from anytime from when we were locked into the car to arriving here in this sort of cave cell we were drugged.
Michelle who is Alaine's mother sat still finally having stopped calling for her daughter. Matthew long gave up trying to comfort his wife and sat there with a glossy look in his eyes. I couldn't keep sitting here. I needed to get out of here and rescue Alana. Nothing was adding up. I desperately tried to recap anything suspicious that could have been going on. Alana did have her hair died and the girl. There was a girl who looked just like her. Purple hair and all. Kei mentioned they were all hauled off together but who knows if he was lying. Nothing was making sense and the effects of the drug still had me feeling a bit groggy. My eyes started to drift closed as I heard feet approaching the door.
"Get up Howie.", the man who a driven us over yelled. His name Sirus I believe he said.
"This isn't going fast enough.", he spat and with that I was hauled out of the cell and away to who knows were. The screams of Michelle following all the way down the hall.
"You need to get your priorities in line. So you like this girl well get over it Kei. I rescued you, raised you and gave you the life that we both know you didn't deserve. Honestly to think you could have blown it. As if things aren't going slow as it is."
Sirus paced the room and finally rested at his desk.
"Kei, your like a son to me, you know that. And it's time to make me proud. And rise above the path that you were cheated from. Ok?"
Kei stood up. Brought his head high and smiled.
"Yes, I'm ready."
"Good, follow me it's time to force this Howie character to bring us Alana. Or should I say Keira Merleah Evangeline Renee, soon to be crown Queen of Oceana."
The last of the regret, or uncertainty left Kei. He had been wronged. And now everyone would pay. Even Alana.
Keira's POV
The thought of my father being alone and scared somewhere made me feel horrible every single moment of the day. My only assurance was the fact that Phyllite had sent his land patrol and his sea unit searching for him. Phyllite was everything I wanted and more. Caring, kind and understanding. I looked in my mirror at the girl staring back at me. Two weeks ago if you told me I was a mermaid. Let alone a princess one I would have died laughing but now I can't imagine myself any other way. I'm definitely different. As I took my crown off and brushed my hair out getting ready for my date I decided. Yeah I was different. But I had changed for the better.
Knock knock
I'm swam Alaine and Kahiau all ready for the night out. We're wore dark coloured tunics and none of our normal attire tonight we were just normal teenagers having a night on the town. Which is exactly what I needed.
Kahiau's Pov
We all got ready together and shortly after the boys arrived. Keira immediately went over to Phyllite and I couldn't help but smile. They were made for each other. Just like me and Dariens are. Maybe even closer. She needed him more than anything with everything going on in her life. Having to take all of this own and even willing to go through with the betrothal. She had guts. I glanced over at Alaine and Collen and laughed out loud as Dariens came and placed his arms around my waist.
"What's so funny", He whispered in my ear.
Turning to face him I just smiled and then smirked mischievously.
"Oh nothing."
And we finally headed out the bedroom door and tried to sneak out of the castle.
Kaimana's POV
"And where do the six of you think your going."
What was I gonna do with these kids. My youthful looks might not be so youthful once everything was situated. Keira swam forward and spoke up first.
"Well we just wanted to see the kingdom."
Young and in love the kids were. I know I vowed not to let my babies out of my sight but that was in angered haste. There was no reason that they couldn't go out. It was more than that. It was me. Finally I have both of my children and they are always on the go. And getting married to. I knew I needed to give Keira my blessing but it was hard.
Her voiced dragged on. Then the seahorse eyes popped out. How could I refuse. They were going out with the top of our guards.
"Be back by full moon", the words barley escaped my mouth before they were down the corridor headed for the front
wing of the castle.
"Kaimana", Elikapeca's voiced called for me.
"My three babies actually", I chuckled to myself, swimming off to my one and only.

Ok guys so let's talk. So many things have been going on in my life.
But if you'll give me and this story a chance I promise not to let you down.
Things you can expect in the next chapter.
Finally finding out Kei's story.
A little glimpse into the future via Keira's vision.
And really focusing on what's happening with the rouge nation and Sirus.

Thanks I love you all!!! Especially those if you with me from the beginning.

Oh and I put a picture of what I think is Ariel but I'm gonna be editing my chapter because of errors and what not and changing the pictures to the cover of the book.
Bye!! Really this time. 💕


Kisses 😘

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