Sneak Peak of Makani's Tale. Chapter- 1 Three's a crowd

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I hope you guys like the cover, I make most of the covers and banners myself but always love and use the ones you guys make for me. ❤️

Update- I had some problems with this cover so yeah I had to use the giveaway one, but remember if you want to win the tablet and writing basket be sure to follow the instructions I posted on the giveaway post.

Chapter 1 - Three's a crowd.

Keira's POV

Since fathers death seven years ago the kingdom had mourned as expected trying to ease the pain of losing a most beloved King. My husband, now king of Atlantis, Phyllite took the title and had been in rein for those seven years. During this reconstruction period winning the trust and affection of the people was easy as he had been very involved with the public affairs when he was a guard.

"Mommy", I heard my blonde haired and green eyed son call out running out of my earthly fathers guest room.

"Someone's excited", Phyllite said opening up his arms and welcoming our firstborn child into them.

"Grandpa got me a truck, and it moves", jumping from Phyllite's arms he fell to the floor and demonstrated.

Laughing I turned to my dad and watched as he doted on Makani.

"He's a hyper one", Alaine said holding her year and a half year old son prince Ashton.  Her belly was swollen again with a second child the gender still unknown.

"Who would think you'd be having another baby so soon." I said standing up and placing a hand on my own swollen belly. Being 5 months pregnant really took a toll on a woman.

"Your telling me", Collen said rubbing Alaine's stomach looking at her affectionately.

"Ugh", I heard Kahiau whimper as she was lead to the couch, Dariens arms guiding her as she sat down across from me. Kahiau was 9 months pregnant and growing more impatient by the hour. The baby was due any day now, which partly was the reason for our visit to the shore. That and Jules and Andre's wedding.

"Calm down, Kahiau", Dariens said sitting down next to her.

Sitting in silence all eyes where on Kahiau who turned slowly in her seat until she faced Dariens.

"What did you just say", she asked her voice strangely and quite scarily calm.

"I said calm down."

That did it.

"Dariens- Tell me to calm down when you have to walk or swim around with a      freaking watermelon on your stomach!"

"Lets go get some beers", Collen suggested getting up and grabbing Dariens hand pulling him from Kahiau's death glare.

"Yeah we will be back", Phyllite said inching away from the living room.

"Me too daddy", Makani said getting up and running past me his little truck tightly in his hold.

"Ok son", Phyllite agreed grabbing his hands and booster seat on his way out the door.

"Men", Alaine huffed kissing baby Ashton's sweet little face. He stirred in her arms and she cuddled him closer lulling him back to sleep.

"Let me see him", Daddy asked holding out his arms. Getting up Alaine laid Ashton down gently and went back to her spot.

"Ugh", Kahiau moaned again shifting in her seat.

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