Chap-14 Yeah he's a jerk, my jerk

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" Who are you", I snapped feeling my hair sparkle with annoyance.

"His soon to be bride", who are you"? "Oh wait, your the one STILLING MY MAN". I chuckled to myself not believing any of this.

"Phyllite, is this true", I asked hoping, praying, willing it not to be true.

"Not anymore", he says sliding the ring on my hand".

"You jerk", the girl yells.

"Yeah, he's a jerk, my jerk". I held up my hand and looked at the ring. It was gorgeous. This was crazy.

"Dinner, your Majesty", a guard called.

"Shall we my one and only love", Phyllite says stressing the only.

"We shall", I say swimming past the girl.

"Oh and you can join us if you'd like". I say smugly as I grab Phyllite's arm and head towards the dinning hall.

Kaimana's POV

"Listen, the changes their happening". "The weaker powers come first and if controlling people's pain is a weak power imagine what's in store when she reaches her full potential". "We must guide her and keep her trained until the time comes". "I'll make a schedule of her training to insure she gets as much as she can". "Are we all in agreement"?

Satisfied from the nods of the elders I gathered Kahiau and Alaine up and headed towards the dinner hall.

Phyllites POV

This was so right. The smiling bubbly full of life girl was the girl I met and fell in love with. And here she was, all mine.

"Well", she says as her sister and friend sit next to her. "I have an announcement". She smiled at me before yelling.

"Phyllite and I are getting married".

Everyone laughed and congratulated Keira and I.

"The wedding will go on", the king cheered calling his servant.

"This will be the triple wedding of the century". The king yelled, I laughed and picked Keira up spinning her around.

"Come Keira", her mom and Kahiau and Alaine called.

With a kiss to her cheek she swam off to go and prepare. To prepare for the greatest day of my life.

Keira's POV
Crazy. Doesn't even began to cover it. I couldn't help but wonder why my mother seemed so distant at dinner. I mean sure this was all going so fast but she was gonna have me marry Seymour.

"Keira, can we talk"?

I answered my mom and followed her into her bed chambers.

"Darling, I'm just going to come out and say it. "You can't marry Phyllite , you must spend as much time possible training with no distractions". "Im sorry.

My feather heart sank like a thousand stones. The sadness that had plagued me was changing, changing into anger.

"Why", I shouted sending my mother flying against the wall. The scream that left her body shook me from my rage.

"Mom, mom". I yelled picking her up of the floor. You have to be ok I repeated as I swam her to the palace physician.

We arrived to the doctor and he quickly whisked her away. I sank down to the ground and huddled in a ball. Didn't I deserve happiness? Shouldn't I be able to live a life worth living? I didn't ask for this, and im failing and badly to.

"Your highness, her majesty is requesting your presence."

I bolted from my spot on the ground. She's alive, and responsive.

"Take me to her", I followed the doctor down a narrow corridor and into a small room.

Glass bottles filled the old coral shelves of this small room and it strangely had the smell of a human hospital. My gaze settled to the rock bed my mother was laying on.

"My, my", She chuckled weakly. "What are we gonna do with you.

I swam the rest of the distance over to her and engulfed myself in her arms.

Disrupting the moment me and my mom shared, the moment I had longed for for years, palace guards rushed in.

"M-mother", I screamed feeling the tight grasp of my arms being pulled.

"Release her" my mother's voice boomed, vibrating of the walls of the small room.

The last thing I remember when the lights went out was the feeling of my mother whispering to me.

Sorry guys. I haven't updated in forever. But this is my passion and I will update again tomorrow.

And whoop!!!!!!!!! This chapter though!!!!!


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