Chap-7 The truth

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Kei's POV
I can't believe this. Alana, if she is one then.... I can't even think about her being one. Maybe she's sick. Yeah, with some skin disorder or something. Her hair it's very purple, like she's dying it more everyday. Or she's becoming more and more mermaid. Her life would be in danger just being with me. I've been banished to the upper world. I hate Atlantis anyways but still. Then theirs the fact I work for Sirus, lord of Evil and the king of the rouge mer nation. She's got to be human, she's got to.

King Elikapecka's POV
"where is Kahiau, she shoukd have been back with Keira by now". I said more forcefully than I met for it to be.

"Elika", my wife said to me calmed and collected as she always is.

"Give the girl time, this must be tramtic enough for her". "We must giver her time". I sighed, again my queen was right.

I have the right to be this way. I have to be strong, fearless, a leader. The blood of so many souls are on my hands. I can't afford to be soft.

"Are the wedding arrangements settled", I asked Kaimana.

"Yes my love, 2 weeks time. Keira will be married". She said a bit sadly.

"Why the voice, this is grand". "We can furfill the prophecy and keep the agreement with Oceana". I mean everything was falling right into place.

"Don't you understand Elikapeca". "The child is risking the life she has known for so long and coming here to save the ocean". "And the wedding, I just don't want this to be to much for her".

"It has to be done Kaimana". I said as I left from our bed chambers. One of us has to be hard. And I guess it's me.

I was interrupted by my most trusted guard Tanga.

"Your Majesty", he stated bowing slightly. "There have been rouges spotted in the upper world by are human potrol". "We need both princesses back now, we can't compromise their safety".

"I nodded at his wise judgment". "I will retrieve both princesses tommorow". "Get a group prepared to come along". "Oh and don't inform Kaimana".

~ Time skip to the next day ~

Kei's POV
I have never been more nervous in my life. I could hurl any second. At last I seen Alana and Alaine and a girl I didn't recognize. To say she looked like Alana would be an understatement. They could be twins. The two girls went and sat at a different booth while Alana came and sat in front of me.

"Well this is awkward", she says breaking the silence.

Her voice, its always been nice. But now it sounds mesmerizing.

"Oh umm how are you", I asked getting things started.

"Hmmmm", she says sarcastically. "Besides the fact that my so called boyfriend dumped and left me on the beach alone, scared and confused, then pretty good".

I sighed, this could be awhile.

"Yeah sorry about that I was ahh", she quickly cut me of saying.

"Let's just cut the dancing around the fact, shall we? I nodded my head in agreement.

"Ok what is it that you think you know".

I smirked. She was trying to see how much I knew. I guess its true then. She does have something to hide. I was about to answer when the door to the restaurant swung open and in walked Elikapecka. Or should I say King Elikapeca.

Kahiau, Keira, let's go. His voiced boomed throughout the whole room.

I looked over to see that girl who I'm guessing is Kahiau grab Alaine's hand and walk over to her father.

"Daddy, mom said.....". Kahiau was trying to say to me.

"Forget it Kahiua, men take these two". "I'll get Kiera. I walked over to the table were Keira was. Wait a second. Isn't that the boy I banished from Atlantis. It is. To say I was enraged would not do justice. I looked down at Keira. She's beautiful, but she was scared. Her body trembling at my presence.

"Keira", I spoke. She immediately stood up and walked in front of me.

"Y-yes", she answered me.

"You don't have to be afraid child come on". I reached my hand out for hers and she quickly ran into my chest and hugged me. I must have looked like and idiot not hugging her back so I did. It felt good after all the years of never knowing her. She pulled back and grabbed my hand.

"My lord", I heard a guard call". "There here".

I grabbed Keira throwing her over my shoulder and ran out of the building. The guards had the other girls and we took of towards the pier. Once at the end we jumped off into the water. I looked around and seen that the guards, kahiau and I had our tails but Keira and the other girl didn't.

"Your necklace Alaine", Kahiau yelled to the girl who dug into her pocket and pulled out the necklace. Once it was on her legs were replaced by a tail and she gulped a huge breath of air.

"Your majesty", she said trying to bow.

I nodded towards her and brought my attention to Keira who was holding on to me for dear life.

"Kahiau", I called. "Give me the medicines".

I felt Keira tense up at those words. I have no choice she needs to do it. Slowly Kahiau swam over to me and handed me the coral vile.

"Please Keira, drink this". She removed one of her hands from my waist and took the bottle. Wearily she unscrewed the top and began drinking.

"Ahhhhh she screamed", dropping the bottle and clinging on to me. Alaine and Kahiau looked with sadness in their eyes. Her change has begun.

Next chap in Keira/Alana and Queen Kaimana's POV. hope you liked it!!!!!

Until next time

My friends

Bye guys!!!!!!

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