Chap 10- A break from duties

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This is what Alaine looks like as a mermaid!!!!

Alana/Keira POV

I laid on my stone rock bed and thought about the events of the day. Wedding planning summed up the most of it, but I managed to see Phyllite every now and then. They way he looked at me was a complete turn around from the day before.

Knock knock

Great my time to myself has come to an end.

"Come in", I said in my new and improved mer voice.

"Your Majesty, your presence is requested in the dinning hall".

I nodded and swam down the corridor and into the dinning hall.

"Keira, darling". Oh no. That voice, It's Prince Seymour. I put on my professional face and swam over to greet him warmly.

"Seymour", I said in an hopefully cheery voice.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the dining table. After helping me into my seat he took the one on my left. Kahiau sat across from me and Alaine on my right.

"The wedding is fast approaching", my father says breaking everyone from their small conversations.

"It most certainly is", Seymour says giving my hand a small squeeze.

This whole dinner discussed me. My father with wedding this and wedding that, I really could choke him right now. Then the Prince. Darling this and Darling that. I mean he gets better along with my father, why don't they get married. I looked to the double doors, trying to focus on anything but this dinner. And saw Phyllite, Their he stood, I noticed the uniform he was wearing, all the guards have a similar uniform. But his was decorated with medals and other rankings.

"I feel ill", I said as believably as I could. "May I be excused".

"I'll send for a doctor", said Seymour. Gosh he was getting on my last nerve.

"We'll take her", Alaine said as she and Kahiau got up from the table.

I sent them a thankful smile and lifted up from the table. I felt a hand on my waist and I turned around to see Seymour like an inch from my face.

"Feel better love", he says looking straight into my eyes. "We have an important date tommorow".

"I'll be counting the moments until then, darling". I said as best I could. He caressed my cheeks and tilted my forehead down as he placed a kiss.

I turned around and swam towards the doors were Alaine and Kahiau were waiting.

"Princess, a word if you will." That melodic voice, I mean how could I refuse.

"Yeah, sure",I say walking out of the dining room and into the hall.

Phyllite's POV

I thought and raged a war in my mind on the subject of Kiera. Her smile, her subtle wit and sarcastic comments. I thought ignoring her would some how stop these feelings from progressing, but it just made me realize how much more I wanted her.

"Come with me Keira", her face lit up, but as soon as she did it disappeared.

My mind wandered to the events in the dinning hall. There her angelic being sat, her mind anywhere but the conversations at the table. Her unease, clearly showing but no one seemed to notice. Then that Prince, wrapping himself around the finger of the King. Then that stunt he pulled kissing MY Keira. What am I saying, she's not mine. But he still had me wanting to leave my post and carry her away.

"Keira, I have to show you something".

I grabbed her hand and a series of shocks were sent coursing through my body. I looked towards Keira and could tell she had felt it too. She closed the gap between us and buried her head in my chest. Nothing has ever felt as right as this moment right now. I pulled back to look at her face, tears and sadness filled her tired eyes as she looked up at me.


I whispered breathless.
The more I looked at her, the more enraged I became. Don't they see what their doing to her. She's lost the vibrant glow she had when I found her that day, it was now replaced with dark circles under her eyes and fake smiles.

"Keira, Alaine says swimming down the corridor. "Let's go". Alaine and Kahiau swam outside the castle walls with bags in their hands toward the surface.

I exchange glances with the guards and mind linked Dariens and Collen, my second in command guards. We prepared a bag and headed after the girls toward the surface.

We were only half to the surface when Keira requested a break. I scooped her into my arms and started after the others.

"Ahhh", she screamed grabbing her head. I Stopped swimming and held her not sure what to do next. After a minute or two she stopped the screams and the rest of the group has swam back down to us to see what's wrong.

"I saw her", she said still in my arms. I looked at her eyes and they were glowing.

"Saw who", Kahiau asked.

"Mom", whispered. "She was pregnant with us, and a guard was swimming up through violent waters towards the surface".

A vision from the past, she had a vision. After much pleading on her part we kept swimming up. We were a few feet from the shore and I felt the familiar feeling of my legs appearing. I handed Keira over to the girls and they hurried onto shore and over to the bathrooms.

Keira/Alana's POV

Gladly Kahiau packed me some shorts and my swim top. I hurried and dressed myself feeling the energy come back to me. I hadn't realized how much I missed being up here, or how much I missed my daddy and Rick. I came out the stall and their Kahiau and Alaine were wearing the exact same swim top and shorts.

"Wow guys", I said grabbing the makeup back and applying some eyeliner.

"What, I thought we could be twinsie's". Kahiau said proudly.

"There's three of us Kahiau",I

laughed the first real laugh I had in awhile. I felt the old me returning, and oh what a good feeling it was.

"Now about you and Phyllite", Alaine and Kahiau say crossing their arms.

"It's nothing guys, he's just a friend". I know that wasn't believable but it was the best I could come up with.

"But you like him Keira, and we can all tell you hate Seymour, except for Daddy of course". I turned back to the mirror and felt the blush seeping onto my face. It was true. I liked Phyllite, but what does it matter I'm engaged.

"Let's go guys", I said picking up my makeup and placing it back into the bag.

There was so much I needed to sort out. First my feelings for Phyllite have to stop. I have a duty, I'm engaged. I can't put myself before all of those mer people in danger. I'm their savior, the promised one. And my happiness and their lives are something that can't mix.

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