Chap-4 I'm Kahiau

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"I have to get out of here", I kept thinking to myself. There was no way I was going to stay here with these things attached to my skin. But I can't go home either. What would my dad say. Ugh why is my life a never ending cycle of unfortunate events.

Tell my dad I'll be home late

I exited the bathroom carefully, looking back at our table I seen Kei looking nervous and uncomfortable. I'm a horrible person . He doesn't deserve someone like me. I walked back to our table and Kei's whole face lit up.

"Kei, I need to go to the beach", I really hoped he'd understand. I mean if I'm a fish than the beach seems like a logical place to be.

"Awesome, let's go", Wow he took me ruining are dinner a lot different than I expected.

He payed and tipped the waiter and there we were off to the beach. I couldn't help but wonder what he would think about my situation. I mean I don't even know what to think. I'm turning into a fish. Who would know how to deal with that.

~ Kahiau's POV ~

I mind-linked my mother. I could sense Keira's presence. Finally she will be of age to take the throne and fulfill the prophecy. But for me, it will be finally meeting my sister.

Bring Keira, I know her changes have begun. Use your power to help her fully change.

I answered my mother's mind-link and felt the ocean around me. She's here, I can feel her. My heart began to flutter. I swam up a bit bringing my head above the surface, and there she was. I automatically noticed Keira with her purple hair.

~ Alana's POV ~

"Ok Kei, your gonna think I'm crazy, but please don't, I'm scared and confused". "I really don't know what's happening to me".

He gave me and understanding look and hugged me. I walked into the shallow waves and stood in the water. Almost instantly the scales started to appear on my legs. I felt my hair levitating around my head and I could feel the ocean. I know it sounds crazy but I could feel it. It was calling me, almost as if it was in trouble. I looked back at Kei and he was frozen in place.

"Kei I need you to say something", I walked closer to him but he started to back up.

"Get away from me Alana, y-your a fish", I reached out for him but he backed up even more

"Please kei, I need someone to help me through this". My hair was as wild as ever. It must be triggered by emotions.

"What you need is some doctor or something, look I'm sorry this is happening to you but I cant". "Alana, I can't". With that he walked off leaving me alone.

I stormed off down the beach and walked onto the pier. How could my life have gone from this perfect life to me turning into a fish. The ocean was calling me from on top of the pier. My body ached with need to be in the ocean. Like all of me. Before I even knew it my legs were over the side and all I had to do was let go. With out looking back I let go and fell. It felt so right when I dove into the water. The way my body responded to the ocean was like I was meant to be there.

"Ahhhh", I gasped. I was breathing. I was breathing under water.

"Hello", I spun around so quickly I thought I would get whiplash. But wait can you get whiplash underwater.

There before me was my mirror image. Well my mirror image with purple hair and a tail. She had a tail!! This was the craziest thing, I felt like I knew her. But that's crazy I've never had a sister in my life. Let alone a twin one.

"Follow me", The girl asked. Two major questions were running through my mind. First, I thought mermaids spoke some different language or something. Who am I kidding I didn't even believe in mermaids until today. Next, should I really follow her, I mean you now what always happen in the movies and...............Well I don't know. Then again she is a fish thing, and something fishy is happening to me.

"Sure", I said. Before I could even register what was happening I was being dragged full speed through the water. It was exhilarating. The water in my hair, the speed and most of all just being in the water. Much to my disappointment we stopped and swam up into a natural cave.

"I come here when I need to think", says the strange mermaid girl

The cave was nothing like the outside portrays. Inside were clothes. Human clothes. Mirrors, make up. I mean all the things a HUMAN girl would need. I climbed out the water onto the cave floor. I looked back at the mermaid and she was hoisting herself up and out of the water by her arms. I probably should have helped but I Just couldn't believe any of this.

"It takes a few minutes", she said motioning towards her tail. "But make yourself at home, I have some blue raspberry slushies in the fridge. "Wow", I thought. Those were my favorite.

I turned around and she was walking towards the clothing racks.

"What the", I gasped dropping my frozen drink to the ground. "You can walk, y-you have legs, b-but you just had a tail". She laughed and pulled me over to her couch. Honestly I cant even begin to wonder how she got all this stuff down here.

"My tail, when I get out of the water it disappears". "But when I get back into the water it appears". All I could do was nod my head. Her tail, it was made up of the same scales that appear and disappear from my legs.

" I ah...... I've been seeing those scales things on my leg", I said as poised as I could, but I mean let's face it I'm turning into a fish.

To my confusion she replied, "I know, our mom told me you were changing", suddenly the cave seemed darker as I faded in and out of consciousness.

Seems like all Alana can do is fade in and out of consciousness lol. Don't worry next chap will be answering all the questions I'm sure you have regarding Alana and stuff.

Until then

My friends

Haha that kinda rhymed

I'm rambling...........

My fingers.... Won't....... Stop...

Jk by fureal this time!!!!!!!

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