Chap-13 I have powers!!

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"Ouch", I cry out as the seamstress alters my wedding gown.

"Suck it up cry baby", I hear Alaine chuckle as she gets her own dress fitted.

"You two", Kahiau says sarcastically swimming towards the mirror to examine her dress.

This couldn't get anymore real than this. Here we were, being fitted for a wedding I really don't want to attend.

"My lady", a very frightened servant says slowly swimming away from me.

"Y-your eyes",I hear Alaine scream as she to cowers away from me.

Kahiau swims over to me in a state of shock. She follows me over to the mirror and I examine myself closely. My purple hair was sparkling and levitating around my head like it had that day in my room. My room. The thought of my house burned down to the ground infuriated me. The screams of Alaine, Kahiau and the seamstress broke me out of my rage.

"Stop it", Kahiau screamed. "Stop thinking". I let myself become at ease and my eyes returned to their aquamarine blue as my hair settled down.

"W-what happened", I say letting myself sink to the floor.

"You used it, you used a power", I looked at Kahiau in disbelief.

"Huh", I said still confused. I looked over at Alaine who was rubbing her temples, then to the seamstress who was holding her chest.

"Your emotions, Keira you can make people feel the way you are". "So I'm guessing you were pretty upset about something to make that kinda pain".

I couldn't believe it. That's not a power, that's a weapon. How am I supposed to control that.

"It's, it's nothing". I looked down to the floor expecting her to drop the matter.

"Nothing", Kahiau replied clearly agitated. "You just freakin gave me the worst headache of my life and it's nothing".

I swam up looking her directly into the eyes. I felt the glow returning to my eyes.

"I said its nothing", I screamed as I heard the shouts of Alaine and the worker begging for the pain to stop. I looked back towards Kahiau who was on the ground holding her head. I calmed down and headed for the door. What have I done. I'm a monster. I fled from the room and hurried to my chambers before my emotions got the beat of me..... again.

Phyllite's POV

I have never been more happy in my life. The ride back to Atlantis seemed to take forever as I thought of Keira over and over again. I just need to shake Nirvana and we can finally be together.

"Dude, your bouncing". Collen says while laughing his stupid donkey laugh.

"Please", I say while looking out the sea horse drawn carriage.

"Whatever", Dariens says laughing. "But have you forgotten, Sirus". He says loosing the laughter in his voice.

"No", I say through clenched teeth. "He took Keira's father and threatened her",I'm glad the wedding is canceled, we need to up our security game".

"Sure", Dariens says returning to his playful self. "That's why your happy its canceled.

I seen the golden gates of the castle appearing and my heart jolted to life. I finally could have her. No Prince's, no wedding, no nothing. She is going to be mine.

Elikapeca's POV

"What", I gasped at the mail carrier.

I read the letter once more trying to understand.

Your Majesty,

I am sorry to inform you on the canceling of the wedding. Betrothment is a foolish and selfish way to keep peace between our Kingdoms. The peace we have had will be continued as if nothing has happened, but we can not keep sacrificing the love of our children to keep the peace. We will pay for all arrangements. We hope you understand.
                   His/her Majesty, Of Oceana.

"Who do they think they are", I sat in my throne as Kaimana rubbed my back.

"Their right you know", she whispers in me ear sending shivers throughout my body.

Some how I knew she would agree. Her heart so kind, gentle and warm. Sometimes I think if we weren't betrothed we wouldn't be married.

I sighed as she rubbed my back. "Please inform our visitors the wedding is off". "Oh and send Keira in, I have to break the news".

"I think she'll take it well", Kaimana says smiling. "I'll tell her". With that she left the throne room.

Kaimana's POV

I arrived at Keira's chamber minutes later. The soft sounds of sobs could be heard through the door. I smiled warmly to the guards at the parted giving me entrance into the room.

"Darling what's the matter", I said feeling a cloud of sadness rush over me.

"I-I am a monster mom", she sobs pulling herself into my arms.

"You are not a monster, now tell me what happened". Keira sat up still sitting closely to me and intertwined our hands.

"I-I hurt Alaine and Kahiau", she says sobbing. "I h-have powers and I can't control them". The feeling of immense sadness was taking over my body.

"I'll be back darling, stay calmed and try not to get to worked up. I left her their on her bed and exited the door.

"Phyllite, Kahiau, Alaine, what's going on", I say as the three of them look up at me.

"Sorry mom, I", listen I don't think its best for you and Alaine to go in their right now, Phyllite go talk to her, calm her". "I'll be back as soon as I can.

The three nodded and Alaine and Mania followed me to the elders council.

Keira's POV

I sat on the end of my rock bed. What is happening to me. I sensed the presence of someone and looked up.

"Phyllite", I whispered longing with all my being to be in his arms.

"Just listen Keira, I love you. "Its you I want to marry tommorow". "We can make it work together". "The wedding is off, I just talked with your father".

I looked at him, I could no longer form any words.

"Y-you kept it", was all I could say before the tears streamed down my face. They weren't the sad and helpless tears I'd cried moments before, but happy and love filled tears. I looked back to Phyllite who had a ring box opened to me.

"I-I", I said as I heard a knock.

"Come in", I said a bit annoyed.

"I came to give my congrat-", she stopped mid sentence looking towards Phyllite and the ring box.

Duh duh
Whew just when you thought they'd be together forever!!!!

I don't have a Dyn so buh-bye


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