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Kenny has finally convinced Toni to write down her emotions about the divorce but she still refuses to come to the studio. He's tried everything but she's being very stubborn and he understands. Kenny decides he's going to back up and let her come when she's ready.

*At The Studio*

Kenny: We need to lay the vocals to the hook down again I think it should be slowed down a bit.

Beyonce: Okay, whatever you say. Should I keep the same tone or sound more romantic?

Kenny: Keep the tone. It'll catch the listeners attention.

Beyonce goes in the booth and kills the hook and leaves Kenny to put his final touches on everything. Kenny sends the song to Beyonce and spins around in his chair. Even though he has been very busy he still can't stop thinking about Toni. He tilts his head back and stares at the ceiling and closes his eyes. The door opens and in walks Toni.

Toni: Hey Ken!

Kenny: Hey Tone! I was just thinking about. How are you today?

Toni: I was thinking about you too I decided to finally come to the studio. I'm okay I'm coming out of my depression.

Kenny: That's good. Sooooo did you take my advice and write?

Toni: Yeah I did and it was great to get all those feelings of hurt and pain out!

Kenny: I told you. Now lets see this future masterpiece you've written.

Toni pulls a huge stack of paper out of  her purse about 300 pages.

Kenny: DAMN! *Laughing*

Toni: Shut up Ken I started writing one sentence then I looked up and I was surrounded by paper. *Laughing*

Kenny: Well lets see if we can do something with all these emotions.

Kenny and Toni sat in the studio for hours talking. It took them back to the old days when they were young, free and had no real responsibilities. Kenny hadn't had this much fun in a long time and he needed it. After a while, Kenny realized that he was staring at Toni in complete amazement.

Kenny's P.O.V.

Toni is so beautiful to me right now for some strange reason. I mean its not strange she's cute and all but I would think that those feelings I had for her would had left. Toni is going through a lot right now and she doesn't need anymore confusion in her life. Plus I got Nicole's ass at the house in the kitchen doing dance routines from the 80's.

*Kenny Laughs Out Loud*

Toni: What's so funny? Are you laughing at me?

Kenny: No, I was just thinking about something funny from earlier.

Toni: Better not. *Pushing Kenny In The Arm*

Kenny: Can you believe how many things we've done in 20 years. From falling in love to getting married and having kids and...

Toni: Getting our hearts broken by no good fools.

Kenny: I was going to say getting divorced but that works too. *Laughing*

Toni: Love, marriage and divorce. *Sigh*

Kenny: That's kind of catchy and straight to the point. That should be the name of the album but maybe we shouldn't use the word divorce it might scare people off.

Toni: I think we should use it people can't hide forever from everything.

Kenny: Alright, lets flip a coin. Heads my idea, tails your idea okay.

Toni: Okay

Kenny flips the coin and they both stare at it on the floor and Toni jumps up and down.

Toni: Love, marriage and divorce it is!

Toni is smiling and jumping around making Kenny laugh. She walks up to Kenny and gets in his face and starts saying "what, what I'm bad, I'm bad, girl power!" All of a sudden Kenny leans forward and kisses Toni.

Will Toni pull away from Kenny or will she continue to kiss him and let some other things happen?This is my first time doing this so tell me what you think. Rate, vote, comment, share leave some feedback and let me know how I'm doing.

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