No More Problems In Cali

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Moving day was approaching very fast. There was a couple of last minute things that needed to be taken care of so Toni and Kenny flew to Atlanta. They decided to leave the kids back in Cali since they wouldn't be gone so long.

Kenny: I haven't lived in Atlanta in a long time.

Toni: I know back then Atlanta wasn't used to superstars now they everywhere.

Kenny: Right I got so tired of people bum rushing me.

They went to a small little cafe and had lunch that's when things got a little weird.

Toni: Babe I love her shoes.

Kenny: You mean his shoes.

Toni: Ken that's a woman.

Kenny: Baby her Adam's apple is bigger than mine. *Laughing*

Toni: Dang I just got fooled. I wonder where he puts it?

Kenny: Oh hell naw Tone that's not going to be what we talk about!

Toni: So you don't ever wonder about that?

Kenny: Nope. Do you ever think about females eating each other out?

Toni: Ken it is way to early in the morning for that. But no I don't.

Kenny: So from now on those are two things we'll never discuss.

Toni: Really Ken. They have nothing to do with each other.

Kenny: Yes they do. I don't want to hear about what you were talking about and you don't want to hear what I was talking about. So they both irrelevant.

Toni: Whatever. I still like the shoes that she's wearing.

Kenny snaps his fingers and rolls his eyes making Toni laugh until she starts to cry. Soon they head off to the house to meet the landscaper.

Toni: I want lots and lots of flowers over here. Then here I want some nice trees ohhh a pond here...

Kenny: Really Tone. I thought you said you just wanted some nice grass now you want all of that.

Toni: Well if I get just grass you won't be getting no ass.

Kenny: That's so disrespectful and unfair to always play the sex card to get your way.

Toni: So I'm not getting the trees and flowers I want?

Kenny: Oh yeah your getting them but I just think your technique isn't right.*Laughing*

Back In Cali...
Peyton: I'm no rocket scientist but...

Denim: So shut up then!

Dylan: What's wrong with you?

Denim: Idk I'm just a little stressed I'm sorry Pey.

Peyton: Apology accepted for now.

Diezel: You got to stop letting this get to you she'll come around eventually.

Denim: She already did. She's getting an abortion.

Brandon: I thought this is what you wanted. Why are you so sad?

Denim: Money.

Peyton: Abortions don't cost that much. Do they?

Denim: She wants money to keep her mouth shut.

Diezel: How much we talking?

Denim: 50,000

Everybody: 50,000!!!!!!

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