You Can't Be Serious!

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Kenny arrives home to a dark house lit with candles. Romantic music is playing and rose petals are on the floor. One path is heading to the kitchen and the other is heading upstairs.

Nicole: Hey honey I have a great surprise for you! Come here and see this!* Grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen* I cooked all your favorites. And after dinner we can go upstairs and do anything.

Kenny: The food looks good but we need to talk.

Nicole: Can it wait. *Feeds Kenny a piece of steak*

Kenny: Mmmm yeah it can.

They sit down and its awkwardly quiet in the room. Nicole tries to make small talk but Kenny quickly ends the conversation. Nicole notices that Kenny is almost done eating his food. She decides she's going to try to seduce him tonight.

Nicole: You want to head upstairs and relax?

Kenny: We really need to talk. Come sit over here by me. I really think that we should...

Nicole leans in and kisses Kenny. She closes her eyes and starts to tongue him down. She feels like she's on a cloud. But then she notices that Kenny isn't into the kiss as much as she is. She opens her eyes and Kenny is staring at her with a shocked facial expression.

Nicole: What's wrong with you?! Why are you looking and acting like this?!

Kenny:Why are you avoiding this conversation? Just listen what I have to say and accept it. I don't want this anymore. We've had a great time together but I think it would be best if we go our separate ways.

Nicole: Its because of that slut! Fine I'll go and I'll see you in court!

Nicole goes up stairs crying and packs her things. She packs some of Peyton's stuff and tells Kenny to call her when he wants to see Peyton. Nicole signs the divorce papers then Nicole flies down the driveway and leaves. Kenny calls Toni and tells her the great news.

Toni: Baby is it done?

Kenny: Yes Tone! Lets celebrate! Come over tonight!

Toni: Let me see if I can find a babysitter?

20 minutes Toni pulls up with the biggest smile ever. As soon as Kenny opens the door they make out like horny teenagers. Kenny takes Toni into the kitchen and sits her on the counter and hands her a bowl full of strawberries and a can of whip cream.

Toni: Is it going to be like this everyday?

Kenny: If you want it to be. *He picks Toni up and puts her on the counter* I need to go drop these papers off to the lawyer and workout a few things in my will.

Toni: Okay I'll be at Tamar's if you need me.

Kenny drops off the divorce papers and makes changes to his will. He decided that he wanted to handle the situation out of court with Nicole.

At Tamar's House all the sisters are laughing and having a good time.

Tamar: Girl what has gotten into you? You've been in a daze for awhile now?!

Toni: Nothing can a person just be happy?

Everybody: NO! *everyone laughs*

Traci: She look like she been being grown.

Trina: Toni you been getting your back cracked?

Everyone zooms in and stares at Toni. Toni pays no attention to them.

Tamar: Whoever he is good Gawd he's putting it down. She can't even pay attention.

Towanda: Girl if you don't snap out of it and tell us who he is and stuff!

Toni: Dang why y'all so nosey? Just know everything is okay.

Trina: Does Babyface know?

Hearing his name sent goosebumps down Toni's body and all she could so was blush. All the sister went crazy and started screaming in excitement.

Tamar: Toni Michele Braxton when did all this happen?

Traci: 1989 *laughing*

Toni: The night we all went to dinner we had a moment earlier that day that's why I went ghost for awhile.

The sisters congratulated Toni and they continued to enjoy their day.

Will Nicole try to mess everything up by being bitter during the divorce or will she let Kenny and Toni live happily ever after? Rate, vote, share, leave some feedback.

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