No Perfect Beginning

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Toni P.O.V
Denim has been helping around the house so much. While Ken and I have been preparing everything for the move he's been taking care of Jr. for us. Normally he would had tried to get out of babysitting but now he offers. I don't know what trick he has under his sleeve but I like the new Denim.

Denim P.O.V
I feel so guilty right now. I know I let mom down. I'll be a 18 year old high school graduate with a newborn. Even though Jr. is a toddler he's giving me great practice. Dad told me to calm down because mom is starting to get suspicious about me babysitting him.

Toni: So we need to narrow it down from these 4 houses.

Kenny: Well it's your choice.

Toni: I think we should choose this one.

Peyton: Mom can you tell Jr. to leave me alone he keeps wanting to wrestle with me!

Toni: Jr. stop it now! Ken you and boys got him doing all that stuff from watching WWE and that cage fighting mess.

Kenny: Boys will be boys baby he's just having fun.

Toni: Speaking of which have you noticed that Denim is acting strange?

Kenny: *Looks Off* No. Not at all. Why?

Toni: Kennnnnn don't play with me spill it!

Kenny: First of all get the bass out of your voice and second I can't.

Toni: Ken we've know each other for all these years and now you want to keep secrets.

Kenny: I'm not its just he should tell you.

Toni: Just wait until he gets home I got something for his ass!

Kenny: Babe no let him come to you.

Later That Day...
Denim comes home with his girlfriend. She has dinner with the family and now it's just Denim, Tesha, Kenny and Toni.

Toni: What's going you two?

Denim: Well it's the move that really getting to us.

Toni: Denim we've talked about this and we aren't changing any plans.

Denim: But mom this is important to me.

Toni: Denim I don't mean to be rude but your 17 your feelings change like the weather.

Denim: Mom I love you but it's time for me to man up to my responsibilities. I'm sorry I know you weren't expecting this but she's pregnant.

Toni just sits and stares in disbelief. 10 minutes go by and Toni is still in shock. Kenny has tried to do everything to get to snap out of the trance but nothing is working.

Kenny: Denim take Tesha home and come right back.

Denim: Okay.

Kenny P.O.V
I've never seen Tone like this. Normally she would had told everybody off but she didn't and it's scaring me. She looks so hurt right now.

Denim P.O.V
I hate myself right now so much. Mom is so disappointed in me she couldn't even say anything. I was excepting to get yelled at not for her to shut down. Hopefully dad will have talked to her by the time I get home.

Outside Tesha House...
Tesha: Denim cheer up it'll be okay.

Denim: No it won't. I know my mom that's the worst reaction you want from her. I've been thinking we are too young for this maybe we should think about other things.

Tesha: Really Denim! No I'm not putting my child up for adoption.

Denim: I was thinking more like an abortion.

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