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Toni P.O.V
Ken has been back for two weeks and he's immediately going back to work. He talked to his team and they've planned this huge comeback tour. I'm happy for him but I don't think he's ready for that. He's been walking around the house listening to his music trying to remember the lyrics. Some of them he knows so well and others he doesn't.

Toni: Ken don't you think you should take a break.

Kenny: Baby I can't. I wrote and produced so many songs I have to get started now so I'll be really ready for the tour next year.

Toni: I've been thinking maybe it's too soon to be thinking about all of that.

Kenny: Look I'm just trying to get my life back the way it was.

Toni: But Ken you barely remembered my name this morning.

Kenny: And I apologized for that now can you be a good wife and support me!

Toni: You need to lower your voice.

Kenny: And you need to get off my back!

Toni: Hold the fuck up! I know you've memory loss but you will not talk to me like that! I'm just saying that you need to slow down a little!

Kenny: Look I don't have time for this right now. You're either going to support me or leave me.

Toni: Really Ken. I cried myself to sleep every night while praying for you. I was at the hospital everyday talking to you hoping that you would wake up and you say something like that to me!

Kenny: Man whatever. I hear what you say when you think I'm not listening when you're on the phone. You miss the old me and you want the old Ken back! Well I'm trying to bring him back so just shut the fuck up. You may not like the way I'm doing it but it's the only way I know how.

Toni walks off and goes in the kitchen and sits on the counter. A little while later Kenny comes in the kitchen and lifts her face and stares in her eyes.

Kenny: Baby I'm sorry for yelling and cursing at you. I don't think the old me would have done something like that. It's just so hard sometimes I wake up and have no idea where or who I am. When I overheard you talking it made me feel useless. Ken doesn't hold me the same anymore, joke around with me that really hurt me.

Toni: Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I love you no matter what.

Kenny: You better I've put up with your little attitude and snoring for too long. *Laughing*

Toni: I don't snore plus it's only been 14 days.

Kenny: 14 long days. *Laughing*

Toni: I'm going to pick up some takeout from Mr. Chows.

Kenny: I'll go instead.

Toni: No Ken I don't want you driving so soon.

Kenny: But I took Jr. to Toys R Us and the boys to Game Stop the other day with no problem.

Toni: You what?

Kenny: It was just a quick run nothing bad happened.

Toni: Okay promise me you'll be careful.

Kenny: I promise. *Kisses Toni* Then after we eat we can have some fun.

Toni: Yeah I think you've earned it.

1 Hour Later....

Toni P.O.V
Ken has been for over a hour now and I'm starting to get worried. I've called him a hundred plus times and texted him. I hope nothing has happened to him. Then when I thought things couldn't get any worse here comes Keri calling me. Normally I wouldn't answer but I decided to.

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