No Worries

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The filming for the movie had been pushed up 4 months. Toni was relieved she would be only 2 months pregnant and the filming would be done by the time she would be 5 months.

Kenny: I now present to you the Grammy Award winning and now Oscar winning Toni Michele Braxton- Edmonds! *Claps/ whistles*

Toni: Awww thank you thank you. Your far to kind. *Laughing*

Kenny: Are you ready for your first day of shooting?

Toni: Yeah I'm a little nervous though so can you come with me.

Kenny: Of course. Just promise you won't forget about us little people when you make it.

Toni: Hush. *Laughing*

When they got to the studio everyone was so happy to see them. Kenny and Toni were overwhelmed by all the fans and paparazzi asking questions. Finally they got to Toni's dressing room.

Toni: I hope everyday isn't going to be like this.

Kenny: I hope not that was hectic but we are something special when we're together. *Kisses Toni*

Toni: I know right!

Toni goes out a shoots a couple of her scenes and slays it. She was killing the scenes in one take. Toni was a natural.

Kenny: Baby I didn't know you could act like that.

Toni: I'm the master of many talents.

Kenny and Toni were getting ready to leave when a familiar voice called out to them.

Nicole: Kennnnnnny!

Kenny: Hey Nicole. What are you doing here?

Nicole: I was next door with my cousin she's the executive producer for a movie.

Toni: Well hello to you too Nicole.

Nicole: Hi. So Kenny I was asked did I know anyone that could help with the soundtrack and I thought of you. Would you be interested?

Kenny: Ummm first off stop being rude and I have to talk it over with my wife. Babe what do you think?

Toni: I think it'll be a great idea honey. *Kisses Kenny passionately*

Kenny: Well tell the people to call me so we can meet up and discuss everything.

Nicole: Okay bye Kenny. *Walks off*

Toni: That girl is going to make me snap her neck she's so damn evil and disrespectful.

Kenny: Don't let her get to you Tone she's doing it on purpose just chill.

Kenny and Toni got home to a clean and quiet house. They couldn't believe how the spotless the house was.

Toni: I wonder what the kids want?

Kenny: It must be something big for them to do all this. Where are they?

Kenny and Toni went to check on the kids and they were all sleep.

Kenny: Stay up all night then sleep all day it must be nice. *Laughing*

Toni: They need to stop doing that and get their sleeping schedules back on track for school.

Kenny: They'll get it together eventually until then let's order some food I'm hungry.

The kids finally got up and came down stairs. Everyone sat down and ate lunch together and was laughing and having fun.

Toni: Kids we have something to tell you guys! 1...2...3!

Toni/Kenny/ Kids: We're pregnant! Y'all pregnant!

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