It Just Got Real Part 2

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It has been a 4 months since the counseling session. Kenny and Toni have decided that it's best if they not be alone together. Since then everything seems so simple and easy to understand. Toni and Kenny are getting along even though Nicole and Keri have dropped back in their lives.

Kenny: Babe I have to go pick up Peyton from Nicole's house you want to ride with me.

Toni: No I don't want to be around that.

Kenny: Behave lady. *Laughing* You sure you don't want to go.

Toni: I'm positive Ken. Now go get my baby so we can have some girl time.

Kenny: I guess.

Toni P.O.V.
I wonder why Kenny wants me to go with him to pick up Peyton so bad. It better not be because Nicole has been throwing herself at him. Ken can play with me these last 4 months if he wants to! But he's not like that so let me calm down.

Kenny P.O.V.
I really wish Tone would had came with me to get Peyton. I love Toni with all my heart but with this no sex thing and Nicole just handing it out like free candy on Halloween it's very difficult. Last time I went to pick up Peyton Nicole answered the door with nothing on. I damn near fainted but I played it cool. Lord please give me wisdom and the strength to look pass this foolish girl.

Kenny texts Nicole:

Kenny: I'm down the street have Peyton ready when I pull up.

Nicole: Okay I will.

Kenny: I'm here.

Nicole: She was painting and had to hop in the tub it might be awhile. Do you want to come inside?

Kenny: Really Nicole! I'm cool I'll be outside just send her out when she's done.

Meanwhile at Toni's House.....

Toni: God I hate packing!

Keri: You don't have to do it alone.

Toni: Keri you scared me! Don't be sneaking up on me like that.

Keri: I'm sorry Toni I just came to drop off the supplies Denim needed for his science project.

Toni: Okay thanks! You can put them on the counter. *Walks Away*

Keri: Toni I have something I really need to know? It's serious can you come over here.

Toni: *Walks to him* What is it Keri?

Keri: *Kisses Toni* Baby I miss you so much. I know the bad outweighs the good with us but....

Toni: Don't you ever do that again Keri! *Slaps him* You ruined everything but now that I'm with a real man you want me back well it's not going to happen!

Keri storms out of the house and Toni sits at the counter in complete disbelief.

Toni P.O.V.
Keri has lost his everlasting mind. As bad as I need to tell Ken this I can't. I don't want Ken to go to jail over him beating that's fools ass.

At Nicole's House....

Peyton finally comes running out of the house and Kenny gets out of his truck.

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