Surprise! Surprise!

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Tamar, Towanda, Traci and Trina are twerking on the sidewalk outside of Kenny's studio. They all have on trench coats, dark shades and fedora hats.

Tamar: Watch me twerk, watch me work please don't step you might get hurt!

Towanda: Tamar moveee! This is how you do it. Get to the left, right, right left, twerk up twerk down.

Traci: Maryland in the houussssseeee!

Toni: Um, what are you guys doing here!

All the sisters looked up and saw Toni and Kenny looking at them confused.

Towanda: We came to find you.

Tamar: Toni you tried it! You just vanished off the face of the earth. So I said...

Trina: Hush Tamar! We had got worried and came here since you said this is where you would be we just dropped by.

Tamar: Why I had to hush! I was about to say the same thing but anyway heyyyyyy Babyface!

All the sisters walked up to Toni and Kenny and gave them hugs.

Traci: So where ya'll headed now?

Toni: Well Ken and I were about to get a bite to eat.

Tamar: I want to go!

Towanda: No, the probably got business to talk about.

Tamar: That don't have nothing to do with me eating.

Toni: Its okay you guys can come. Is that okay with you Ken?

Kenny: Yeah its cool.

Traci, Towanda, and Trina left with Tamar. Toni decided to ride with Kenny. She was so nervous her heart was beating so fast.

Kenny: What's wrong with you? You look worried?

Toni: I feel like I wasn't acting like myself. What if the girls start to suspect something?

Kenny: Calm down. So let me get this correct. No sex, flirts all the time. Has sex, no flirting at all?

Toni stares out the window and realizes that she's doing the most. Kenny reaches for her hand and they drive in silent with huge smiles on their face. Kenny puts his hand on Toni's thigh then moves it forward.

Toni: Ken stop don't start something that you can't finish!

Kenny: I can finish this and some other things. *Smirks*

Meanwhile in Tamar's car. The girls are complaining because Tamar is terrible at talking and driving. Everybody's holding on for dear God.

Trina: Tamar would you pay attention to the road!

Tamar: Girl I am. I'm the safest driver there is. I know these streets like the back of my hand.

Towanda: How you got that? * Points to scratch on right hand*

Tamar: Girl I don't know I think Logan....YOU TRIED IT!

Everyone bust out laughing at Tamar.

Everybody pulls up to the restaurant at the same time.

Kenny: Tone I told you I could finish what I started. *Kisses Toni then licks his fingers*

Toni: I'm glowing and smiling so hard tonight because of you.

Kenny: My pleasure to make you happy beautiful.

Everyone eats and has a good time. Kenny and Toni are sitting kind of close together and are in their own world. It would had been weird if they didn't already act like that around the sisters. The sisters take Toni back to Kenny's studio to get her car. Kenny heads home and Toni calls. Kenny makes it home but doesn't want to get off the phone with Toni so he sits in his car for almost a hour. Kenny gets off the phone with Toni and heads into the dark house. Kenny opens the door, takes 4 steps in and sees a vase coming right for his head! Kenny closes the door and dodges the vase just in time. The vase shatters against the wall and out of the darkness Nicole starts yelling at Kenny.

Nicole: Kenny where the hell have you been! I've been worried sick!

Kenny: I already told you Toni and I lost track of time and then we went and got something to eat with her sisters.

Nicole: So ya'll had a family outing? Your wife is home with your child and your out with your little girlfriend and her family having fun! I swear every time that bitch appears you change up on me and act like I don't exist!

Kenny: She's not a bitch! Don't get mad because were good friends! Maybe if you would shut up sometimes we could have that same magic that Toni and I have!

Kenny goes upstairs and packs his suitcase. Nicole runs after him questioning him. Kenny gets in his car and speeds off into the night. Kenny pulls over to the side of the road and strolls through his cell phone. He's really confused and needs someone to talk to. He gets to a certain person name and decides he should make the call.

Who is Kenny going to call is it Toni or is he going to apologize to Nicole and go back home? Rate, vote, share, leave some feedback and tell me what you think he's going to do.

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