The Truth Is....

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Toni grabs the phone and Kenny tries to grab it from her. Toni slides back on the bed and Kenny ends up on top of her. Kenny keeps reaching for the phone but soon him and Toni start making out. Toni drops the phone on the floor. Kenny looks Toni in her eyes and starts making promises to her that they'll be together forever. 

Toni: I like the sound of that. Toni Michele Braxton- Edmonds! Or should I drop the Braxton and just be Toni Michele Edmonds?

Kenny: It has a nice little ring to it. *Smiling*

Toni finishes undressing Kenny and they spend hours breathing heavy, kissing, licking and sucking the souls from each other. Kenny and Toni cuddled up and fell asleep. They woke up around 5:30 and realized that the day had passed them by. 

Toni: I'm really hungry Ken!

Kenny: I'm not. 

Toni: How you not hungry you haven't ate all day?

Kenny: I did eat. * He smirks and winks* It was delicious too best dish I've ever had!

Toni: Ken you are so nasty. I'm about to hop in the shower and get dressed and you should do the same. 

Kenny: I will. Let me go get some clothes out my car. 

Toni: You live in your car now Ken? *laughing*

Kenny: I'll explain later over dinner. 

Toni gets in the shower with a huge smile on her face while Kenny goes outside and gets some clothes from his suitcase. Kenny heads back in the house and irons his clothes and gets in the shower when Toni got out. Kenny and Toni gets dressed and are about to leave. 

Kenny: I think we should make tonight extra special and fun. 

Toni: How can this amazing day get better?

Kenny: Lets go to Malibu tonight! 

Toni: Ken have you lost your mind?! 

Kenny: No, I haven't. We had an amazing day together and I don't want it to end. Malibu isn't that far away so pack a bag and stop trying to be difficult beautiful. 

Toni: Okay, let me call Tamar and get her to watch the boys and pack some clothes. 

Toni's P.O.V.

I don't know what Ken has up his sleeve but I'm loving the way he's acting. These last minute plans are turning me on for some strange reason. I wonder what I should pack? It doesn't matter because I'm fun size! And we all know fun size is the best size! I know Kenny is going to love this lingerie and body oils I'm packing. 

Kenny: Baby have you seen my phone!

Toni: No! I haven't seen it since this morning!

Meanwhile outside on the street in the car Nicole heard everything! Nicole had been listening for about 5 hours and couldn't believe it. This whole time she knew it but didn't want to believe it. Nicole wanted to get out of her car and go confront them but she was so shocked. 

Nicole's P.O.V. 

I can't believe I didn't see this coming! I knew their brother/ sister relationship was to good to be true! I'm going to make him regret the day he thought I was the one to try! Why was I so dumb? How could he just be friends with her Toni is the total package. But if they think I'm going to take this bs they are both crazy! Because at the end of the day I have something that Toni doesn't have and I'll use that against him until he realizes that she's not the one!

Kenny searches everywhere for his phone and finally finds it. He realizes that the phone battery is on 25% but thinks nothing of it. He picks up Toni bag and they head out. They make it to Malibu and check into their suite at the hotel. Kenny opens the door and Toni walks in and straight ahead of her out the window she sees the sun setting on the beach. Kenny walks up behind her and hugs her and she smiles. Toni is loving this feeling and can get use to this life. Kenny and Toni go out on the beach and get lost into their own world. They didn't care who saw what or who thought this they felt so free.

Toni: Ken you never told me why you had clothes in your car. Did you already have this planned?

Kenny: No I was planning something like this later for us this was really unexpected. Nicole was mad at me last night for hanging out with you and your sisters so I left and went to L.A.'s house. 

Toni: Speaking of that what are you going to do about her?

Kenny: *Singing* Bye, bye, bye Nicole I'm so sorry but I need that ring back!

Toni: * Starts rapping* Nicole how could you think you could compete with me I'm the T to the O N E!

Kenny: Uh Uh STOP CUT! *Laughing*

Toni: Really Ken! You know I was killing it! 

Kenny: Anyway when we get back I'm going to go to my divorce lawyer and get that taken care of . 

Toni and Kenny spend the rest of the day laughing, talking and reminiscing and planing their future. Is Kenny is going to go get the divorce papers printed up right away or hold off? What do you think Nicole is going to do to try and keep Kenny? Rate, vote, share, leave some feedback and tell me what you think will happen. 

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