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Kenny P.O.V
The last 5 months has been amazing. I'm so happy Toni and I decided to have a baby together. He's growing so fast and he's doing everything.

Toni P.O.V
Jr. is such a cutie and he's goofy. The boy has a thing for shades and music already smh.

Kenny: What do you want to do today?

Toni: Let's just stay in and relax. How about some movies?

Kenny: Okay that's cool I'll go make some popcorn and get us something to drink.

Toni goes and tries to decide which movie they should watch. Toni wanted to watch something scary so she decided on "The Nightmare On Elm Street". She was about to put the dvd in when she saw the "Play Me" dvd in.

Kenny: Babe are you ready to watch the movie.

Toni: Yeah I picked "The Nightmare On Elm Street". 

Kenny: Really Tone. Don't wake me up later tonight talking about you scared and need me to hold you.

Toni: Naw that's how you're going to be.  You remember when we watched the "Amityville Horror".

Kenny: Tone that's different that's based on a true story I don't fuck with shit like that. *Laughing*

Toni: Whatever punk. Let's watch this dvd that says "Play Me".

Kenny: Okay I've been meaning to watch one of them.

Kenny and Toni cuddled up on the coach and began to watch the dvd. All of a sudden a recording from Kenny's bachelor party shows up.

Toni: What's this and why would someone record it?

Kenny: It's my bachelor party and I have no clue why. I don't even remember anyone there that was recording.

The video continues and it's shows Vince, L.A., Darryl, Usher, Diddy, David and a lot of other men having a great time. Soon the scene with the strippers pops up with Kenny getting a lap dance.

Toni: Hmmm *Sides eye Kenny*

Kenny looks away and smirks a little bit. Then the video shows a room. In the room it's Kenny and 2 other girls. Kenny has obviously been drinking but he's touching, hugging and flirting with the strippers. The strippers touch on Kenny and starts suggesting sexual things they would like to do to him. Kenny refuses the first couple of times but the more he drinks the more careless he got. He started telling the strippers what he would do and soon the little they had on was completely taken off. And then all of a sudden the video goes black. At the end "there's more" is written.

Toni: *Slaps Kenny* I WANT YOU OUT KENNETH!

Kenny: Baby I don't even remember this! *Holding his cheek*

Toni: Every time you drink you do some wreck less shit then you don't remember! I'm sick of this rerun of this same hurt and pain!

Kenny: Toni obviously there's something not right about. Let's watch the rest of it then you can do whatev...

Toni: I'm not about to finish watching the love of my life cheat on me! What kind of shit is that! You married a strong, independent woman that doesn't need a man but would want a man!

Kenny: Calm down and stop yelling before you have a flare up.

Toni: Oh now you care about me!

Kenny started to get mad and just stares at Toni then walks into her personal space and starts to whisper.

Kenny: Look you have all the right to be mad at me right now but you need to calm down. I know your hurt and I'm disappointed in myself. I let you down again. Now I'm not saying I didn't mess up by being with those girls but baby there's more to this video.

Toni: And your point?

Kenny: Really? You don't have any trust in me at all do you?

There was an awkward silence. Toni looked at the wall as Kenny looked at her in shock.

Kenny: Maybe I should get out. I'll be at one of the other houses.

Toni: Good and take this with you. *Throws wedding ring at Kenny*. You can take yours off if you want.

Kenny: Toni if you don't come get this ring and put it back on before I leave we are done and I mean it.

Toni: I'm not putting that damn ring back on so I guess we're separating!

Kenny: Tone you know you don't mean that.

Toni: You're right I don't but right now it makes sense for us to go our separate ways.

Kenny: What about the kids?

Toni: Nothing is going to change they're old enough to understand this.

Kenny: Okay if that's what you want we can separate.

Kenny picks up Toni's ring and takes his off and put them in his pocket. He goes upstairs packs a couple of things and then leaves.

2 Days Later...
Toni's P.O.V
Kenny and I talked but it seems like we are really done. He came and got all of his stuff earlier while the kids were at school. We didn't even argue it was the calmest breakup ever. Tonight he's coming over for dinner so we can talk to the kids.

At Dinner...
It was very quiet in the dining room. There was so much tension between Kenny and Toni so the kids decided to be good.

Kenny: Kids your mother and I need to talk to you about something.

Kids: Okay

Toni: Well you know we love you guys very much and that will never change but Kenneth and I have ran its course.

Denim: She playing right Dad?

Kenny: No Denim she's being for real. Sometimes adults just can't get right you'll understand when you get older.

Peyton runs off from the table crying and Diezel runs off after her. Denim, Dylan and Brandon just sit there in shock.

Dylan: Dad what about our family. I mean Denim and Diezel are my brothers we planned so much stuff together.

Kenny: That doesn't have to change he'll always be your brother. Denim you and Diezel are my sons and no one will or can change that.

The kids finally leave and go into their rooms. Kenny helps Toni clean up the dining room and kitchen. Then he goes and plays with Jr. for an hour and rocks him to sleep.

Kenny: Well goodnight Tone.

Toni: Goodnight *reaches out hand*

Kenny: Woah! I get a hand shake I don't get a hug. *Laughing*

Toni: You can get a church hug. *Laughing*

Kenny: A church hug I'll take that.

Kenny and Toni hug and that church hug changes into a tighter warmer embrace. As much Toni wanted to push Kenny away she couldn't. They stood there saying nothing just hugging each other for almost 20 minutes.

Peyton: You guys come see this!
Brandon: What?!

Everyone looks out the window and sees Kenny and Toni hugging each other.

Diezel: They are so stubborn and weird.
Dylan: We have to get them back together.
Peyton: How?
Brandon: Obviously they still have a thing for each other so we have to make them remember the good times.
Denim: But what if mom catches one of her many attitudes.
Brandon: Shit hopefully she doesn't catch one.

Peyton: Well ever day we need to pray about 100 times a day that she doesn't. *Laughing*

Meanwhile outside Kenny kisses Toni cheek and drives away leaving Toni blushing.

Toni's P.O.V
Why in df am I blushing! Kenny messed up I don't want a cheater! But he was so warm and he held me just right. Nope snap out of it I'm tired of this little game we keep playing!

Kenny P.O.V
I'll win her back I know it'll take some time but I'm up for the challenge. I'll just ease my way back in hopefully she won't see my tricks coming.

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