The BIG Day

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The wedding day has finally arrived! The wedding was going to be held at the beach in any enormous white tent decorated with crystals and diamonds. The wedding didn't start until 7 so everyone slept until about 2.

At Tamar's House....
Toni: I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY! *Runs through house screaming*

Tamar: Girl if you don't calm down and get yourself together honey.

Trina: Right all that running and spinning around making me nauseous.

Towanda: I wonder why alcoholic. *Laughing*

Momma E had the kids at Towanda's House. Everything was going good the night before but all of a sudden Peyton just lost it. Peyton wouldn't eat or talk and all the kids said she was being mean.

Momma E: Little girl today is not the day for this your a big girl now talk.

Peyton: * Blank stares at Momma E*

Momma E: I'm calling Toni! *Pretends to call*

Peyton: Blank stares at Momma E*

Momma E : You know what! *Really calls Toni*

Toni: Hello?

Momma E: Toni I don't mean to disturb you on this special day but Peyton is going through the motions this morning.

Toni: Ok. Hang up I'm about to FaceTime you. Peyton baby what's wrong?

Peyton: *Stares into phone at Toni*

Toni: Peyton if you don't say anything I'll never know what's wrong.

Peyton: I miss my mommy and daddy! *Starts crying*

Toni: I'll give my mom Nicole's number so you can talk to her.

Peyton: Not Nicole! Mommy I miss you! *Crying*

Toni: Aww baby I'll send Tamar to get you ok?

Peyton: Okay

15 minutes later Tamar had picked up Peyton and she was kind of calm. Peyton ran in Tamar's House.

Peyton: Mommy! Mommy! *Jumps into Toni's arms*

Toni: Baby girl! *Kisses forehead and cheeks*

Peyton: Where's Daddy?

Toni: He's at a L.A.'s house.

Peyton: Can I FaceTime him?

Toni: Yeah but I can't do it with you.

Peyton: Why not?

Toni: It's bad luck to see each other before the wedding.

Meanwhile At L.A.'s House...

Kenny is sleep on the pool table with a bottle of Hennessy in his hand. He wakes up and sits there for about 15 minutes.

Kenny: Oh shit today is the day! *Whispers to self*

Kenny gets up and starts walking through the house. He realizes that last night got really out of hand. He took another shot and went to watch ESPN. Then Kenny phone rings.

Kenny: Hello?

Peyton: Hey daddy!

Kenny: Hey princess how are you doing ?

Peyton: Great now!

Kenny: I thought you were with Momma E. 

Peyton: I was but I got mad and wasn't having it so I ended here with mommy.

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