This Is Weird

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Toni and Kenny have been rehearsing for South Africa and will be leaving in a couple weeks. They've also been in the studio working on solo projects.

Dylan: Dad mom is here to pick me up.

Kenny: Ok. Hey Tracey how are you?

Tracey: I'm good how have you been?

Kenny: Great just working and living.

All of a sudden Peyton shoots around the corner like a bolt of lightning.

Peyton: Ms. Tracey! Ms. Tracey!*Jumps into arms*

Tracey: Hey ladybug how have you been?

Peyton: Good. Can I go with you?

Tracey: You have to ask your dad and mom.

Kenny: Sure she can.

Peyton jumped down and rushed upstairs and almost scared the hell out of Toni.

Peyton: Mommy daddy said I can go with Ms. Tracey but I need help packing!

Toni: Okay I'll help you.

25 minutes later

Toni and Peyton comes down stairs and sees Nicole, Kenny and Dylan on the couch watching tv. Toni started to get angry seeing how comfortable Kenny and Tracey were.

Tracey: Hi Toni!

Toni: Hey Tracey! Well she's already!

Everyone said there goodbyes and Toni stormed off to the kitchen. Toni got even madder when Kenny finally came in the kitchen with a full outfit on and his shades.

Kenny: Babe I have to go to the studio the new receptionist didn't tell me I had an early session.

Toni: Okay have fun. *Fake smile*

As soon as Kenny leaves Toni jumps on the phone with Towanda & Tamar.

Towanda: Tone just because they were sitting close to you doesn't mean they were close to them.

Tamar: Girl Towanda is right with this one you act like she was sitting in his lap!

Toni: But they were sitting so close with all that space everywhere else plus he's been distant anyway.

Tamar: Well girl I'm going to need you to check him so he can get his life!

Towanda: Hush Tamar. Just go talk to him.

Toni: He's at the studio right now.

Tamar: Ill go pick up Towanda and then come pick you up.

Towanda: Where we going?

Tamar: To the studio.

Towanda: I don't think it's a good idea to take private matters to the work place.

Toni: No I want to go!

Everybody hangs up and 20 minutes later Tamar and Towanda have on here "I'll beat a chick down outfit". Toni gets in and they head to Babyface Studio. They head in and see the new receptionist.

Towanda: Hi we're here to see Babyface.

Receptionist: Okay follow me.

The receptionist gets up and starts to walk to the back. Toni, Towanda and Tamar are in total shock.

Tamar: So Kenny hiring strippers now? *Whispering*

Towanda: She might not be a stripper she just doesn't dress appropriately.*whispering*

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