He's Here!

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Toni P.O.V
It's been 3 months since that Tonya mess and everything is going great! The only thing is I'm getting big as a house and eating everything in, out and around site. We decided on a name it's Kenneth Brian Edmonds or Jr.. Kenny told me he always wanted to have a son named after him so it seemed right to do it.

Toni: Peyton come here!

Peyton: Yes?

Toni: Come eat with me.

Peyton: Mommm I can't. But I know some people that can. Dylan, Diezel, Brandon, Denim it's food in the kitchen!

The boys came downstairs and started eating. Toni thought she had an appetite but realized she really didn't. The boys were eating so fast that they didn't look like they were chewing.

Toni: Boys slow down. *Laughing*

Brandon: Sorry about that it's just good to eat a home cook meal. At college it's either candy, noodles, chips or fast food.

Denim: Sounds good to me.

Dylan: Speaking of which we need to start looking into colleges Denim.

Toni: What coast you guys thinking about?

Dylan: East I'm thinking attending a HBCU.

Denim: Oh really we'll see I'm really not trying to leave Cali but I would love to attend a HBCU too!

The convo lasted for almost 3 hours and Toni was so happy. The kids had been on the go and so time like this was precious.

Diezel: Tell us if you want someone to stuff their faces with you again.*Laughing*

Toni: I will.

Kenny: Hey baby.

Toni: Hey how was your meeting?

Kenny: Great! If everything goes as planned for the rest of your pregnancy and a couple months after I'll be here with you non stop.

Toni: Aww really that's so sweet. *Kisses Kenny*

Kenny: I knew you would say that. I love you so much and I decided to speed up some things and get them out of the way early.

Peyton: Mom can Brooke and I go to the mall.

Kenny: Who's driving you?

Peyton: Oh hey daddy! Dylan is well that's what he promised.

Kenny/ Toni: Okay

As usual the kids ended up hanging out with their friends again. So it was another Saturday night that the house was empty. It was just Kenny and Toni cuddled up in the theater watching movies.

Kenny: Babe my phone is about to die I'll go get my charger out of the car I'll be right back.

Toni: Okay bring back some chips... and an apple...and a sandwich with pickles, mayo and raisins...ice cream with mustard and chocolate syrup...and a water please.

Kenny P.O.V
I can't wait for her to have this baby because these cravings are too much for me. It's like she picks the nastiest combination of food. The bad part is she not only eats it all but tries to get me to eat some too. I'll fix her food first then go get my charger out the car. I know in 2 minutes she'll be calling me asking what's taking so long.

2 Minutes Later...
Toni: Ken where are you I'm starving in here.

Kenny: I'm right here. Now let me go get my charger.

Kenny goes outside and gets his charger. He looks up on his window and sees another cd saying "Play Me". He looks around and throws the cd in the glove compartment. He heads back in the house and makes sure the alarm is set and all the doors and windows are locked.

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