You're Right

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3 Days Later...
Toni: Ken when are the kids coming back?

Kenny: Just as soon as you stop acting like a deranged woman.

Toni: Ken how am I acting deranged?

Kenny: You've been cleaning like crazy. Im pretty sure that we're high from all the chemicals your using.

Toni: But Ken I miss my babies plus I have a right to be upset. If Peyton came home pregnant you would be walking around here doing the same thing.

Kenny: Actually I would be awaiting trial for murder but Denim has learned from this so I think you should cut him some slack.

Toni: Nope and if you don't like my decision you can go stay at the other house with the kids.

Kenny: Toni please don't with the fuckery. The kids aren't coming back and I'm not leaving. You need to calm down and be there for Denim. All you want to do is send him away and punish him.

Toni: Ken I will do what I want with MY child! So if I want to send him to the Middle East to write on bombs I will!

Kenny: Your child?! After Keri sorry ass started slacking off I took him and Diezel under my wing as my son so he's ours!

Toni: I'm sorry Ken I didn't mean it like  that I'm just so disappointed in myself.

Kenny: Well I don't feel like the worlds best dad right now either but I'm not walking around getting pissed off at everything.

Toni: Ken I'm sorry.

Kenny: Whatever. *Walks Off*

Toni P.O.V
I feel so bad right now I made my baby mad and I don't know how to fix it. Ken doesn't hold grudges but when he's mad he'll avoid the hell out of you a little bit.

Toni goes through the house looking for Kenny and finds him in the theater.

Toni: Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to disrespect you. *Sits in Kenny lap*

Kenny: Yeah I know. *Moves Toni off his lap* I'm not really in the mood right now to talk. I think I'm going to the studio for awhile. Don't wait up for me.

Toni: Hold up. I know I made you mad and stiff but I'm still your wife. You will not be out all times of the night just because we had a little argument!

Kenny: I'm a grown ass man and I'll go wherever I please! You're going to learn to stop talking to me like your my mother I'm older than you! You don't dictate nothing around here I run this not you! Now leave me alone and let me do what will help me calm down! I'm sorry for yelling at you and everything.

Toni: Well wherever you go and what ever you do no bitches better not be involved. *Walks out of room*

Kenny P.O.V
Tone is so extra and petty for that last comment. I should play with her mind but I don't feel like getting into any trouble. I'll just go the studio record this song on my mind and go stay with the kids tonight.

At Tamar's House...
Toni: And then he started yelling at me and trying to check me.

Traci: Oh no he didn't.

Towanda: Well I don't blame Kenny. Toni he's taking care of two kids that aren't his. I mean he loves them not just because he loves you but they really are important to him they look up to him. Most guys don't give a damn about their step kids.

Tamar: Amen to that Umba! Some of these dudes ain't trying to do nothing but have sex with the momma. Toni you got a good one don't run him off.

Trina: Yeah girl stop being crazy and stop getting on his nerves and stop being messy.

Tamar: She just need a good back cracking and she'll be good to go.*Laughing*

Toni: Shut up I'm going home.*Laughing*

Later That Night...
Toni P.O.V
I guess Ken wasn't playing about not coming home tonight. I'm a little salty but I've been thinking and he's right. I need to think about everybody feelings in this situation not just mine.

Kenny P.O.V
Let me text this girl and tell here where I'm at before I catch a case when I go home. I really miss her right now but I'm not in the mood to kiss ass so I'm not going home.

—–————Text Messages-—————-—
Queen 👑: I'm staying with the kids tonight.

My World😍: Okay I want to let you know that I apologize for earlier.

Queen 👑: It's okay. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have blew up on you like that.

My World😍: No I deserved it. We are in this situation together and I need to start acting like it.

They text all night and get on good terms. Around 2 A.M Kenny hears something hitting the window and goes to see what it is.

Kenny:*Opens Window* Tone what are you doing? *Whispering*

Toni: Hurry up and get dressed. *Whispering*

Kenny gets dressed and heads outside.

Kenny: Tone it's 2 in the morning what do you want?

Toni: You.

Toni kisses Kenny passionately under the stars. She kisses him with so much love and tenderness that she takes his breath away. She takes his hand and leads him to the truck and drives them to secluded area overlooking the city.

Kenny: Wow I've never seen the whole city at night like this before.

Toni: Yeah it's amazing just like you.

Kenny: I'm so blessed to be in your life.

Toni: Aww Ken. I got you something.

Kenny: Wow you got me a guitar! Thanks baby!

Kenny and Toni went back to the house and had fun, cuddled and did a lot of other things.

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