We're Off

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Kenny P.O.V
I leave to start the tour in 2 days and Toni still has an attitude. She doesn't talk to me or look in my direction. This is really starting to mess with my rehearsals for the tour. I can't concentrate on anything luckily Selena is here to help.

Kenny: Well everyone that's a wrap. Go home and spend time with your families before we hit the road.

Selena: Remember the flight leaves Wednesday morning at 10.

Kenny: You're are definitely a life saver I don't know what I would do without you.

Selena: Aww thank you sir. Why aren't you packing up?

Kenny: I'm going to stay around for a while. I got a song on my mind that I need to write.

Selena: Do you mind if I stay and watch I always wanted to watch your creative process?

Kenny: Sure I guess.

2 Hours Later...

Selena: You are a great writer it's crazy how you can write from a woman's perspective so well.

Kenny: Yea well honesty is the best policy and women like honesty.

Selena: Well I should get going.

Kenny: Yea me too.

At Home...
Kenny: Tone I leave in 2 days I've spent time with the kids now I want to spend time with you.

Toni: ......

Kenny: Come on stop being so difficult.

Toni: .......

Kenny: Toni I'm not about to play your little game either you say something or it's goodbye until I get back from the tour.


The next two days was like living in a war zone. Toni and Kenny were both mad at each other. Everything they did they did it angrily. The kids locked themselves up in the game room to stay out of the fire.

Kenny: Well I'm about to head to the airport will you take me?

Toni: Sure.

Kenny: It's a alive! *Laughing*

Toni: Just hush and get in the truck.

It would take a hour and a half to get to the airport. The first 20 minutes of the ride was quiet and you heard was the road. The silence was finally broken.

Toni: Ken I'm sorry. The last couple of days I just needed some time to get my thoughts together.

Kenny: Thoughts about what?

Toni: Thoughts about you putting all your time into this tour and your new assistant.

Kenny: It's just work trust me.*Kisses Toni hand*

Toni: Better be. *Smirking*

Kenny: I got a great idea you should come with me.

Toni: I'm one step ahead of you. My bags are in the back. The kids are going to be with sisters and mommy.

Kenny: You were planning to come all along weren't you?

Toni: Yup. *Smirking*

Selena P.O.V
I got to the airport a couple minutes earlier than everybody. I'm so ready to go on tour with Babyface! It seemed like he was feeling me a little so I'm going to be extra nice to him. Hopefully one day I can call him my man. I looked up and saw Mr. Edmonds and his flunky walking my way.

Kenny/Toni: Good morning!

Selena: Good morning!

Kenny: Are you ready?

Selena: Am I? My biggest dream has come true.

Toni: I remember my first time touring it was something I would never forget.

Selena: I'm sure it was. So when are you leaving?

Toni: What? Let me tell you someth....

Kenny: Toni is joining us Selena.

Selena: Oh. *Walks Off*

Toni: You sure your not fucking her. She's mighty jealous right now.

Kenny: I'm a million percent sure I'm not.

Toni: Well you better remind her who pays her because I have no problem with putting her in her place.

Kenny: Ok baby just calm down. *Go looks for Selena*

Selena P.O.V
I can't stand her ass she just ruined everything. I thought I was going to woo Mr. Edmonds with personality and hard work. But now I have to be a little extra sexy and flirty.

Kenny: Selena I don't know what's going on with you but I need you to be the assistant I know you are.

Selena: I'm always a good assistant.

Kenny: Look what I just say you weren't professional. That's my wife and you were very rude and cold to her. She likes you and wants to just be your friend.

Selena: Well I'm sorry if I seemed unprofessional.

Kenny: No problem lets just have a great tour.

On The plane....
Selena P.O.V
I don't know how long I can do this. I was listening to my music when I saw how cuddled up Toni was with my man. He was knocked out sleep and she tried to get up and he tighten his grip. She whispered something in his ear and he giggled. Then she got up grinning heading to the back of the plane.

Michael: Selena are you okay?

Selena: Yeah why do you ask?

Michael: You just haven't been yourself today and your too pretty to be so upset.

Selena: Oh thank you Michael.

Pilot: Everyone we are about to land in a few so could everyone please take their seats and buckle up.

Toni: I see Michael and Selena are getting along.

Kenny:*Turns Around* This tour better be their first priority that other stuff can wait! *Laughing*

Michael: Right! *Winks at Selena*

Selena: Yeah the tour is the most important. *Winks back at Michael.

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