You Made My Day

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Kenny turns around and sees Nicole coming down stairs in a silk red robe. Kenny is in complete shock he looks like he just seen a ghost.


Nicole: Stop before you hurt him Kenneth!

Kenny: How long has this been going on? *Laughing*

Nicole: None of your business. What's so funny?

Kenny: My ex wife and my wife's ex husband are dating I think that's very funny. Then on top of that you two are trying to mess up our relationship. *Laughing*

Nicole: Ken go to hell!

Kenny: Okay I will. *Laughing**Pulls out phone calls Toni*

Toni: Hello?

Kenny: Babe I have something funny to show you can you come over to Keri's house right quick?

Toni: Yeah I can why are you over there?

Kenny: Baby I'll explain later. Just get over here now. *Hangs up phone*

Keri: Man why did you do that!

Kenny: Shut up before I have your ass drinking your food through a straw for a year!

Toni jets out of the house, speeds down the road to Keri's house.She runs up to the door and busts into the house.

Toni: Hello! Where's everybody!

Kenny: In here babe!

Toni goes into the living room and sees Kenny sitting on the couch drinking a beer watching ESPN. Keri is holding an ice pack up to his eye and Nicole is sitting eating some chips.

Toni: What the hell is this you invited me to!?

Kenny: Babe calm down and come sit by me they have to tell you something. *Smirks*

Toni: So what do you want to tell me?

Kenny pulls out his phone and starts to record the convo. He wants to remember the look on Toni's face he knows it's going to be priceless.

Toni: Ken get that phone out my face I'm not in the mood to take pictures!

Keri: Well Toni I need to apologize to you for the other day that was crazy for me to come at you like that.

Nicole: I'm sorry too. He loves you and I have to accept the fact that I blew it with Kenny.

Kenny: Man why y'all beating around the bush tell the rest of it. *Giggling*

Keri: I was the one that smashed out the windows of your cars. Nicole and I came up with the idea it was very childish.

Toni: Really Keri I thought you knew better but it's okay I forgive you for that foolishness. Ken are you ready to go?

Kenny: Not yet baby. Come on you two say it.

Nicole: Well Keri and I....

Kenny: Wait! *Runs across room* I needed a better angle. Continue. *Laughing*

Toni: Ken stop playing this is a very serious moment put that phone down!

Nicole: Like I was saying Keri and I have been dating.

Toni: WHAT! *Laughing* Am I being punked! *Slides out of chair and rolls on floor laughing*

Keri: Toni it's not funny!

Toni: Shit yes it is. Baby lets leave these wannabe lovebirds alone.

Toni and Kenny head back home laughing and cracking jokes the entire ride.

Now that all the old drama is over will something new come to mess them up or will they live happily ever after? Rate, vote, share, comment some feedback.

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