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Toni P.O.V
Last week Kenny made progress and came out of his coma. The sad thing is that he fell back into another one. It's been 6 months and it's been hell. The kids have been trying to keep me sane but it's really not working. I've not been wanting to move out of this bed. I started to fall into a little depression so I stopped going to the hospital as much.

Tamar: Toni it'll be okay he'll pull through.

Toni: I pray he does. This moment has been so bittersweet. Peaches dumb ass can't terrorize us anymore but my baby is hurt.*Crying*

*Phone Rings*

Toni: Hello?

Nurse: Mrs. Edmonds I have great news! Your husband is awake!


Tamar: Girl what's going on?

Toni: Kenny is awake!

Tamar: Okay go to the hospital. I'll get the kids and tell everybody and we'll be down.

Toni: Okay and thank you for everything.

Toni P.O.V
I got to the hospital with the biggest smile on my face. Walked in the room and saw Ken sitting up in the bed. I started to talk to him and hug him and he looked at me like he was afraid of me.

Toni: Baby why are you acting like this? It's me Toni.

Kenny: *Blank Stare*

Doctor: Mrs. Edmonds can I talk to you in the hallway for a moment. We found that he has memory loss.

Toni: What?

Doctor: Its best for you not to overwhelm him right now. Just calmly talk to him.

Toni: Okay doctor.

Back In The Room...

Toni: Hey I'm Toni. Do you know your name?

Kenny: *Blank Stare*

Toni: Well I'm your wife. We've known each other for over 20 years and we are best friends. We have 6 kids and a lot of family. Baby please say something.

Kenny: *Blank Stare*

Toni: A lot of people have been praying for you and coming by making sure the kids an...

Kenny: Your pretty. *Passes Out*

Toni: Nurse! Nurse!

Nurse: Yes Mrs. Edmonds!

Toni: He just passed out!

Nurse: For right now he will do that when he gets overwhelmed. Right now his brain is trying to process everything. So whatever you told him he's trying to understand but his brain is taking its time adjusting. After a while he'll be having a full blown convo with you like nothing ever happened.

2 Weeks Later
Toni P.O.V
I told the family not to come because I didn't want them to see him like this. Every other 20 minutes he was passing out. It was getting a little depressing until around 7 o'clock. He woke up and looked at me and stared right in my eyes like he knew who I was. I didn't know what to do so we just sat there staring for 5 minutes?

Kenny: Who you?

Toni: Toni...who are you?

Kenny: *Blank Stare*

Toni: I mean...who you?

Kenny: Kenneth

Toni: Do you know where you are?

Kenny: Piedmont Atlanta Hospital.

Toni is so overjoyed that she goes to find the doctor. However the doctor informs her that Kenny won't be able to go home for at least a week. He gives Toni about 20 different pamphlets for places to send Kenny to get his memory back.

Toni: But he knows his name and where he is I don't understand why I need to send him away!

Doctor: Kenny has memory loss he's not what we call having mental retardation. He knows certain things but others he doesn't. I'm sorry to tell you this but Kenny may have to learn so many things again. Proper English,manners, how to write but most importantly his anger.

Toni: Ken would never hurt a fly.

Doctor: The Kenny before the accident wouldn't hurt a fly but this Kenny doesn't know who he was before. If you go put a mirror in his face he will be shocked to see what his face looks like. The reason is because he's a new person to himself. I know it's hard but trust me being patient will pay off soon.  Sending him to one of these facilities will really help.

Toni P.O.V
I was heading back to Ken's room when I saw that he was getting a shave from one of the nurses. I stood in the doorway and watched as Ken looked at her the same way he looked at me. That's when I knew the doctor was right. His memory is totally shot and he may have to learn everything over again. I sat down beside his bed and watched as the nurse shaved him. As the girl got done shaving Ken grabbed her waist and slid his hand up and grabbed her breast.

Toni: No Ken you don't do that!

Toni P.O.V
Ken got up and pushed me almost knocking me down. He went to the bathroom to pee and came back and acted like nothing happened. I wanted to cry so bad but I knew he didn't mean it. My baby isn't my baby anymore! I can't take this I need to go home and rest.

The Next Day...
Nicole: Open wide. *Makes buzzing noise*

Nicole P.O.V
I had to come see Kenny. Even after everything that happened between us I still care about Kenny. Not in a I want him type of way but we did have a good time together at some point. It really hurts to see him like this. Kenny could do anything and he was so talented so it's really difficult to see him clueless.

Toni P.O.V
I was going to Ken's room when I saw Nicole feeding him. I was about to go in there and slap the fuck out of her. But I realized that it wasn't like that. Kenny is starting to get used to me I think. He was watching tv when he looked over and smiled at me. I damn near melted when he did that.

Nicole: Good morning Toni. Nice to see you again.

Toni: Good morning same here wish it was under better circumstances.

Nicole: He'll be okay you know that he's strong. What you got there?

Toni: Oh I brought a bunch of photo albums to try and get him familiar with the family.

Nicole: Oh that's good well tell everyone I said hello I have to get going now. See you later Kenny.

Kenny: Bye lady...

Toni P.O.V
Ken and I have been looking at pictures of the family and it's going good. He started to get aggravated after watching a couple of the videos I brought. He fell asleep and left me crying looking at the memories. From the looks of it in going to have to send him away to one of those facilities.

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