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Kenny: I don't think we should go public right now. I mean with the divorce just being final and all.

Toni: I knew this was going to happen! So your just going to leave me in the dark even when your single!

Kenny: I'm not single I'm in a relationship with you. I'm just trying to protect you.

Toni stormed out the door crying hoping that Kenny would run after her but he didn't. Toni drove to Tamar's house confused and hurt. All she wanted to do was be with the man of her dreams what was so wrong with that. Toni calls Tamar and tells her she's outside and needs her to come get in her truck of course all the other sister come along.

Tamar: Ya'll so dang nosey! Toni said she wanted to see me capital T A M...

Trina: Shut up Tamar!

The sisters got in the truck and saw Toni crying and immediately got crunk.

Traci: Oh hell naw who I got to kill!

Tamar: Uh uh I know damn well nobody didn't try Toni THE Braxton!

Tracy: Let me go home and take these heels off and put on some tennis shoes right quick!

Towanda: Toni what happened?

Tamar: What you mean what happened? There ain't no need for that just give us the name and address and the situation will be handled!

Toni sat there speechless. After 15 minutes she finally told the sister that Kenny didn't want to go public with their relationship. Then she started to cry again. As she was crying to got a text from Kenny.

Traci: That better not be who I think it is?!

Toni: It is he said he wants to talk to me. What should say?

Tamar: Hell to the motherfu...

Towanda: Be an adult and say okay and go home get yourself together so you can talk to him.

Toni texted Kenny back and told him to come over at 8:30. It was only 3 so Kenny decided to call up someone he knew would help him and give him some wisdom.

Michael Sr.: Hello?

Kenny: Hi Mr. Braxton. Its Babyface I mean Kenny Edmonds the guy that sings with Toni and everything.

Michael Sr.: Boy I know who you are. I don't know why you always act all polite and formal around me I think your a decent person so loosen up.

Kenny: Yes sir. I'm glad you think that of me because I have something very serious to talk to you about.

Michael Sr.: I'm listening....

Kenny: I was wondering if you were in town I wanted to sit down and talk to you man to man.

Michael Sr.: Actually I am. We can meet and talk around 5.

At The Restaurant

Michael Sr.: So Kenny what do you want to talk about?

Kenny: Toni.

Michael Sr.: I know that. *Laughing* You know I remember when the girls went down to audition for you in Atlanta. They were so nervous and when you signed Toni we were so happy. I had mixed feelings about the whole situation until I noticed how she looked at you. She looked at you like you were the most amazing person ever. I realized that day that I lost my little girl to a guy named Babyface *laughing*.

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