One Big Happy Family

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It's been 5 months and everything is going smoothly. Everything is being put together for the "Love, Marriage & Divorce" Tour.

Toni: I can't believe we're going to South Africa!

Kenny: Me too! I'm so excited I hope they know our other music.

Toni: Hopefully they do I think our fan base is huge over there.

Kenny: What are we going to do with the kids during the tour?

Toni: We'll think of something but they can come with us to Africa.

Kenny: I don't know about that. Imagine Peyton ass in Africa asking questions that even they can't answer.

Toni: We'll decide that later then.

Toni and Kenny head home and see that Brandon and Dylan had come over.

Brandon/ Dylan: Hey Dad! Hi Mrs. Toni!

Kenny: Hey boys what's up!

Dylan: Mom went out of town and I wanted to stay with you guys.

Kenny: Okay cool well you know where your room is. What about you Brandon?

Brandon: I'm staying at home.

Kenny: Don't do anything I wouldn't do. *Smirks*

Brandon: Don't do anything Kenny wouldn't do or Babyface? *Laughing*

Kenny: Both... Be more like Kenneth.*Laughing*

Brandon: Okay dad I'll talk to you later.

Brandon leaves, Dylan is in his room playing video games, Toni and Kenny are cuddled up watching a movie.

Toni: It's so quiet in the house even with Dylan here.

Kenny: I know all this will go away when the three live crew get here. *Laughing*

Toni: Don't be talking about my babies like that. *Laughing*

Kenny and Toni went to pick up the boys and Peyton from their after school activities. It was nice and pleasant until Peyton got in.

Peyton: Mommy are you and daddy going to have a baby?

Toni: Baby that's something God is going to decide for us.

Peyton: Oh. And after God decides then what happens?

Toni: The stork.

Peyton: But my teacher has a baby in her stomach so how does the stork put it in?

Kenny: Peyton that's enough questions for right now. Boys how was your day?

Denim/ Diezel: Good!

Kenny: Dylan is at the house.

Peyton: Yay! Finally someone to play with!

Denim: Yay! Someone to get you out of our face!

Toni: Stop you two! Don't start that mess!

Peyton: *Whispers* Nobody wants to play with your octagon shaped head ass anyway.

Kenny: PEYTON! What did you just say?

Peyton: I said nobody in my class knew how many sides an octagon had. *Smirks*

They get home and all then kids run up to Dylan's room.

Kenny: I see Dylan is the man now.

Toni: Hopefully they'll get along since they know Dylan isn't for conflict.

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