New Additions

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It has been 2 years and the world is still going crazy about "Love, Marriage & Divorce" and the tour. The world has been waiting patiently for another masterpiece from them. There solo projects have been breaking records also.

Toni: I'm so happy we finally get a break this summer is going to be just about the family.

Denim: Mom about that I was thinking about hanging out with my friends a little this summer.

Peyton: Yeah and I want to go to cheer camp.

Diezel: And I have to train and condition myself for football.

Kenny: So y'all just going to drop us like a bad habit?

Kids: Pretty Much. *Laughing*

Toni P.O.V.
The kids are getting older and it's killing me inside. Denim is 16 driving and has a girlfriend. Diezel is 14 all about football and his little associates. Peyton is 9 and but she's so independent and mature. Dylan is 16 doing the same thing Denim is doing. Brandon is in college having fun. No one needs me anymore.

Kenny: So babe I guess this summer it's just us.

Toni: I guess it is.

The kids go hang out together and go explore the city. All their friends are at the mall so normally that's were they'll be all day.

Toni: Back in the day if someone would has told you this is how your life would be what would you do?

Kenny: Call them a liar and probably whoop their ass. *Giggling*

Toni: I was thinking...

Kenny: Oh God

Toni: Hush I was thinking that maybe we should add on.

Kenny: Tone all our houses are huge and in a couple years they're going to be empty.

Toni: I know. *Kisses Kenny neck*

Kenny: Oh that's what your talking about. Well I got a session in 30 minutes but when I come back we'll talk about it.

Toni: Okay I'm about to go relax.

Kenny P.O.V.
Wow Tone wants to have my baby I'm so happy. But that's a huge age gap from Peyton. Denim and Dylan are going to be out the house soon heading to college. But whatever will make Tone happy.

R I N G R I N G R I N G!

Toni: Hello?

Agent: Hey Tone I have some good news about the movie you auditioned for. YOU GOT THE PART!

Toni: OH MY GOD!

Trevor: CONGRATS! Filming starts in 6 months so be ready!

Toni: I will trust me thanks again.

Toni P.O.V.
I'm so proud of myself for this! I had ran everyone crazy rehearsing those lines around the house. I feel like I'm on top of the world right now. I think I'll have myself a drink.

So 3 hours later Kenny came home and found Toni laying on the kitchen counter singing. Toni was drunk she almost drunk a whole bottle of wine.

Kenny: Well I see someone is in a good mood.

Toni: Babe I got the part in the movie.

Kenny: Congrats baby I knew you could do it!

Toni: Have a drink with me!

Kenny had a glass of wine but went a got some a little stronger for him. Toni wanted to play "I Never". Kenny started to take shots of Tequila and Hennessy and so did Toni. Kenny and Toni decided to take the party upstairs and things got a little wild.

The Next Afternoon
Toni: I feel terrible. Kennnn where are you!

Kenny: Babe stop yelling I'm right here on the floor.

Toni: I'm never drinking again!

Kenny: Me neither.

Denim: Well well well look who's finally up.

Dylan: We see you guys partied like its 1999.

Peyton: Here's some coffee and aspirins children. *Laughing*

Kenny: Peyton don't start.

Kenny and Toni stayed in the bed the whole day. Every other hour one of them would run to the bathroom to throw up.

2 Weeks Later

Kenny: Tone what do you want for dinner!

Toni: Spaghetti, hot wings, sushi and a strawberry shake.

Kenny: Babe are you okay?

Toni: Yeah that's just what I have a taste for.

Kenny: Okay. But let's order some chinese instead.

Toni: Okay

Toni ordered the food and pretty much the whole menu. Before the food came Toni was eating ice cream and then when the food got there she was eating. Everybody looked at her in amazement.

Toni: What?! *Stuffs egg roll in mouth*

Everybody: Nothing.

Later on that night Kenny wakes up and Toni isn't in bed. He finds her with her face buried in the toilet.

Kenny: Babe are you okay?

Toni: Yeah I think I ate too much. I wonder what made me sick.

Kenny: It could be those nachos with cheese and chocolate syrup or sushi with Doritos you had for lunch.

Toni: Hmmm Ken that sounds delicious.

Kenny: Babe your cravings are getting a little weird.

Toni: I know I eat reckless when I'm nervous.

Toni P.O.V.
Well I snuck off to CVS while everyone was sleep. I brought 4 pregnancy test and a case of water. I went in the bathroom and drunk 6 bottles of water. Then I took the 4 test and couldn't believe my eyes. I sat in the bathroom on the floor smiling from ear to ear. 45 minutes later Kenny comes in the bathroom half sleep and pees right in front of me and leaves the seat up! God I hate when he does that!

Toni: Babe look! *Shoves tests in Kenny face*

Kenny: Yesssssss! *Kisses Toni*

Toni and Kenny climbed back in bed and cuddled for the rest of the night.

I might be late but I didn't know that you could put videos up and listen to them while you read. So listen to some ToniFace while reading about ToniFace. 😂

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