No Confusion Here

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Kenny and Toni have now been tonguing each other down for 10 minutes. They've moved to the couch and they've practically ripped off all each others clothes. Kenny admired Toni's body and she blushed. This was the first time they had ever seen each other like this and it was pleasing to them to know how comfortable they were.

Kenny: Are you sure we should do this? I don't want to make things difficult for you?

Toni: Trust me you can't, won't or couldn't make anything difficult for me.

In Kenny's studio there was a secret room that only a few people knew about. The room lead to a little apartment. Kenny would stay there when he would lose track of time and didn't feel like driving home. He picked Toni up and carried her into the apartment. Kenny kissed Toni from her forehead all the way down to her ankle then made his way back up. Kenny then ate Toni out leaving her legs shaking and her legs locking. Toni was shocked and speechless, she could barely breath all she could do was stare at the ceiling.

Kenny: Toni! Toni! Toni, are you okay!

Toni: *Looks up at Kenny smiling and motioning yes with her head*

Kenny then starts to kiss Toni's neck and strokes her breast with his hands. Kenny and Toni stare at each other and Kenny positions himself to slide into Toni when they hear the doorbell to the studio ring. Kenny and Toni both look around and after a few seconds look at each other and get back to it. Kenny slides in making Toni let out a soft but strong moan. After three powerful strokes of pure amazement Kenny's phone starts ringing. Kenny ignores the phone and continues to crack Toni's back for 2 more hours. Kenny and Toni laid in the bed cuddling glowing from the ecstasy of the love they had just made.  

Toni: That was amazing I didn't know you had it like that Ken. *Laughing*

Kenny: How could you even think I was lacking in that department I'm Babyface remember. Plus that was from 20 plus years of pressure that had been built up.

Toni:Oh really?! I have a question you don't have to answer it but if you weren't engaged to Tracey would you had broke up with her for me?

*About 2 minutes go by*

Toni: KEN!

Kenny: You said I didn't have to answer if I didn't want too. *Laughing* But in all honesty yeah I would had broke up with her for you.

Toni: I got another question?

Kenny: So now we playing 20 questions or something? * Laughing*

Toni: Just answer the questions!

Kenny: Okay continue..continue.

Toni: Why didn't you just call the engagement off you guys weren't compatible at all? No disrespect I know she's the mother of your kids but back in the day she was more of a gold digger. You weren't in love with her you just liked what it seemed it could be. Why would you set yourself up for failure like that?

Kenny: I didn't set myself up for failure I got 2 amazing sons out of the situation! Yeah Tracey came off like a gold digger 95% of the time but she actually had her own little hustle going! If I called the engagement off what I was suppose to off into the sunset with you?!

Toni looked at Kenny with disbelief. She couldn't believe he was talking to her in that tone. Yeah she had over stepped her boundaries a little but damn he didn't have to do all that! Toni got up and started to find her clothes to put on. Kenny looked at her and realized he had hurt her feelings. Kenny walks up behind Toni and pulls her on the bed.

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