Inspector Toni THE Braxton-Edmonds BITCH!

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Kenny P.O.V
Tone and I talk all the time and have gone out a couple of times but for now we are done. It's crazy how everything went but I'm not giving up. She doesn't seem like she's in a hurry to get a divorce so that's a great thing.

The last couple of months for the kids however has been horrible. Brandon has been drinking a little too much at times. Dylan and Denim are skipping school. Diezel quit football and Peyton isn't listening in class and running around with some boy who is a bad influence. Jr. is getting into everything and he's so smart.

Toni's P.O.V
The kids have been acting out since the separation. I talked to them but it's not getting through. Jr. is the only one that's being good in the whole house. Today Kenny is coming over so we can talk about what and how we should handle this.

Kenny: Hey Tone. *Hugs*

Toni: Hey. How are you?

Kenny: Good just been trying to keep myself busy. You?

Toni: Same.

Kenny: You look beautiful today as always.

Toni: Thanks and you don't look to bad yourself. *Laughing* Thanks for coming over.

Kenny: Of course I'm never too busy for my family.

Toni: Oh really. I heard someone got your attention recently.

Kenny: She tried but she couldn't take your place. I really miss you and...

Toni: Did you ever find out how that night at your bachelor party ended?

Kenny: No not yet but I know I didn't mess with those girls Tone.

Toni: We'll see when the rest of the video finally appears.

Kenny: Damn it Tone. Can't you see I'm miserable without you. The kids don't give a fuck about anything and your barely holding on yourself can you please stop being stubborn for once.

Toni: It's called being hurt Kenneth not stubborn. I love my kids and I don't want them to go through this pain but what am I suppose to do. You want me to forgive you so in a couple of months you can do the same thing. It's not going to happen.

Kenny and Toni talked to the kids and for the moment they seemed like they would finally get it together. It took a couple of threats and some violence though.

Kenny: I know I shouldn't ask you this but can we go out tonight?

Toni: I guess we can.

Kenny: Great I'll be here at 6 to pick you up.

Kenny and Toni went out and everything went great. Toni let down her guard and started to have fun. They were having so much fun that time went by so fast. They decided to walk to the park down the street from the house.

Toni: I had a great time tonight Ken.

Kenny: That's great. I hope we can have more times like this.

They continue to walk around the park and finally back home. Kenny walks Toni up to the door and there's an awkward silence. Then Toni kisses Kenny and rushes in the house. Toni goes upstairs and falls asleep blushing. Kenny drives home in a daze he goes to sleep smiling.

One Week Later...
Towanda: Tone lets go out you've been in the house looking ugly for too long.

Tamar: Yeah let's go to the spa!

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