He's Coming Home

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Toni P.O.V
It's been 3 months since Ken has went to the facility out in Oklahoma. He's missed Valentines Day and some birthdays. But the good thing is he calls us all the time and he knows who he's talking to. In 2 days he'll be coming home!

Kenny P.O.V
I've been out in Oklahoma for awhile now. I've been learning so much about myself and I must say I'm a pretty amazing person. I can sing, write songs, produce songs and play some instruments! I had made so many friends at the facility but I have to go back into the real world. I'm really not ready because I'm suppose to be this celebrity. They told me that random people would walk up to me and ask for pictures and autographs. Anyway I decided to fly back home a day early to surprise Toni.


Toni: Who the fuck is that ringing the doorbell like they crazy! I'm coming! *Opens Door*

Kenny: I'm not crazy just excited to see my wife. *Smirking*

Toni: KENNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! *Jumps in arms* I missed you so much baby!

Kenny: I missed you too. Now give me a tour of the new house so I'll know my way around here.

Toni P.O.V
We ended up moving back to Cali after the accident. I couldn't live in the house Peaches died in so we packed up while Kenny was in the hospital. But anyway my baby is back!!!!!

Kenny: You did all the decorating yourself?

Toni: Yeah. Why?

Kenny: It's ummm unique.

Toni: And here's our bedroom. Through that door is the bathroom and if you follow me over here is your closet.

Kenny: Wow it's huge. I see black is my favorite color.

Toni: Yeah it is. So how was the facility?

Kenny: We can talk about that later. Where are the kids?

Toni: School.

Kenny: Oh yeah. What time do they get home?

Toni: Around 4:30.

Kenny: Well it's only 9:27. *Winks* Come here.

Toni P.O.V
I walked up to Ken and he pulled me close to him and kissed me. God I missed his touch it was like Heaven. We slowly undressed each other while making our way to the bed. I sat on the bed and started to slid to the top of the bed. Ken crawled on top of me and stared into my eyes. We made out again and Ken started to pull my underwear down. He kissed me from my feet to my breast. Then he started to unhook my bra. Correction he attempted to unhook my bra. At first it was cute and funny but soon I saw how frustrated he was getting.

Toni: Baby you do it like this.

I had on a red bra that matched my lace red underwear that hooked in front.

Kenny: Thanks. *Laughing* Those need to be banned.

10 Minutes Later...
Toni P.O.V
That's not what I was expecting at all but he hasn't had sex in over a year so I'll let it slide...for now. We laughed and cuddled and then the old Kenny arrived. When I tell you he cracked my back!!!! I was missing the old Kenny but the new Kenny's stroke is sensational. I was crying tears of joy he had me speaking in languages we had heard over in Africa when we went on tour all those years ago.

Kenny P.O.V
I must have been doing it right this time because Toni was on cloud nine. Her eyes were rolling back and she was crying. She scratched the hell out of my back and had the bed so wet. Anyway she fell asleep so picked her up and put her in another bedroom while I changed the seats. Then I put her back in our bed, took a shower and made it downstairs to meet the kids coming in the house.

Kids: Dad!!!!!!!!!!

The kids run to Kenny and they all fall on the floor giggling and laughing. Soon everyone was crying and hugging and catching up.

Peyton: Daddy we missed you soooo much!

Kenny: I missed you guys too!

Denim: Where's mom?

Kenny: She's upstairs taking a nap.

Brandon: Ewww *Laughing*

Denim: Gross *Laughing*

Diezel: Jesus *Laughing*

Brandon: I see everything is back to normal. *Laughing*

Peyton: Y'all just nasty. *Laughing*

Jr: Yeah just disgusting. *Whispers* Why are they nasty and stuff?

Brandon: In about 8 years we'll tell you.

Jr: 8 years? I know I'm 5 but I'm mature for my age. *Laughing*

Peyton: But you still play with toys?

Jr: So that reminds me I have to go add something to my Christmas list for Santa. *Runs upstairs*

Kenny: Yeah he's very mature. *Laughing*

Everyone went their separate ways and did their homework and everything. It seemed like life was going back to normal. Kenny decided to order chinese and he let Toni sleep.

Later That Night....
Toni wakes up to see Kenny laying beside her looking at smiling.

Kenny: Sleeping beauty is awake.

Toni: Aww that was the best nap ever.

Kenny: Baby that wasn't a nap you went to sleep.

Toni: What time is it?

Kenny: 9:45

Toni: 9:45?! Where are the kids?

Kenny: Sleep. Everybody was so tired after we played and ate.

Toni: You cooked?

Kenny: No I ordered chinese. Your food is down in the refrigerator. I'll heat it up for you if you want.

Toni: That will be nice. I'm about to take a quick shower.

20 Minutes Later....
Kenny: Here's your food baby.

Toni: Thanks!

Kenny: Oh hell naw! We will not be watching this shit!

Toni: OMG KEN! I Love Lucy is my favorite show!

Kenny: Baby we used to watch this mess all the time at the facility and I hated it.

Toni: Please come watch it for me baby. *Puppy dog eyes*

Kenny: Okay. But don't think that you can always use that face to get what you want. *Smirking*

Toni: So how did things go with the kids?

Kenny: Great! Those kids are a mess. I thought Dylan looked like me but no Jr. definitely does, he's like my mini me. I want to say thank you for raising some amazing kids.

Toni: Yeah we do have some amazing heathens.

Toni and Kenny cuddled up and fell asleep in each others arms.

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