I Tried Part II

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Kenny P.O.V
It's been 4 days since I messed up. Toni and I had the conversation about James finally and a little part of me had hoped she had cheated. She showed me and told me everything and like the fool I am I sat there like I was perfect. I don't know why I didn't tell her but then on they other hand I do. She's pregnant, not with the bs and she'll leave and I don't want her to go. Tonya calls and texts me all times of the day with foolery. Thank God I'm always in my phone because Tone would had been have killed me a long time ago.

Toni: Come on Ken we're going to be late!

Kenny: I'm coming just let me grab my shades.

At The Doctors Office....

Toni: Ken are you okay?

Kenny: Yeah beautiful I'm okay.

Receptionist: Mrs. Edmonds the doctor will see you now in room B.

Doctor: Hi you guys! How has everything been going?

Toni/ Kenny: Good

Doctor: Well lets see what's cooking in that oven. *Puts gel on Toni stomach* Well it looks like it's a BOY!


Toni: Aww I have another son!

Doctor: Congrats! Keep doing what your doing and your pregnancy will go smoothly.

Toni and Kenny left the doctors happy and excited. Toni was going to Tamar's house to hang with her sisters and Kenny said he was going to the studio. Instead Kenny went to the baby store and bought a whole bunch of things. He was going to surprise Toni.

At Tamar's House...
Tamar: Girl I can't believe you and Babyface having a baby!

Towanda: I can....I've been waiting on this child for 17 years. *Giggling*

Trina: I don't see how y'all just going to start all over again.

Toni: It's going to be interesting but we're up for the challenge.

Traci: Well in the mean time I'll just drink for you.

Tamar: Traci you need help! *Laughing*

Back At Home...
Kenny has been painting and putting together all the furniture for the baby room. He finally gets done and sits in the middle of the floor admiring his work.

R I N G ! R I N G ! R I N G

Kenny: What Tonya *Rolls eyes*

Tonya: I miss you come over tonight.

Kenny: I don't think that's a good idea.

Tonya: Kenneth I'm not asking IM TELLING YOU TO GET OVER HERE!

Kenny: WHO IN THE FUCK ARE YOU YELLING AT?! You know I'm sorry your right baby but tonight lets go out. I'll text you the address and I'll be waiting on you.

Tonya: Oh Kenny your so sexy and romantic I'll be there!

2 Hours Later...
Toni finally came home.

Kenny: Tone we really need to talk about something.

Toni: Okay what is it?

Kenny: Well first I want you to promise me that you'll think rationally before you get mad. Second, please don't kill me. Third, I never meant to hurt I promise I didn't.

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