It Would Only Make Sense

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R I N G! R I N G! R I N G!

L.A. Reid: Hello?

Kenny: I know its late but I really need to take to you about something serious.

L.A. Reid: Okay, what's on your mind?

Kenny: It would be better if we talked in person.

L.A. Reid: Sure come on over.

Kenny was halfway to L.A.'s house and he decided to call Nicole. He called about 25 times and left 5 voicemail's. He knew she was pissed at him so he expected her not to answer he just wanted her to know he was sorry. Kenny finally arrived at L.A.'s house and was welcomed in.

L.A. Reid: So what's going on with you at 11 at night?

Kenny: I think I've messed up really bad. Toni finally came by the studio and....

L.A. Reid: Ohhh man that's great!

Kenny: We had sex. Well more like made love.

L.A. Reid: That's not good.

Kenny: I know I know. Then we went out to dinner with her sisters and to top it off Nicole is mad because I came home late and never answered any of her calls or text.

L.A. Reid: Well you know the body never lies. You and Toni have been playing around each other for years. You never thought that you two would get together?

Kenny: Your really not helping but yeah years ago I thought we were made for each other.

L.A. Reid: So now what's stopping you from following your heart?

Kenny: Nicole...

L.A. Reid: I told you not to get too serious with that girl and I know you guys have Peyton but your not in deep enough to back away.

Kenny: So your saying call off everything with Nicole and be with Toni?

L.A. Reid: I'm saying don't let the best thing you've ever laid your eyes on get away from you. Many people don't have the opportunities you have, you know what you want to do so go do it. You can sleep in one of the guest rooms.

Kenny went to the room and sat on the side of the bed he knew what he had to do.

Kenny's P.O.V

I just can't understand why the obvious thing to do is so hard for him to do. Back in the day I would had jumped at this moment. I probably would had ran straight to Toni and never let her go. But I can't stop thinking about all the promises I made to Nicole. I'm not the type of guy to just leave her standing there all alone. How can I tell Nicole that I'm in love with Toni? That my marriage to Tracey ended because she was nothing like Toni and that Nicole was a rebound because I saw how happy Toni was with Keri!

The thoughts in Kenny's mind was driving him crazy but he soon made up his mind and fell asleep. Meanwhile, Nicole had asked one of her friends to watch Peyton while she did a little investigating. She dropped Peyton off asleep and promised to pick her as soon as she could. Nicole listened to all the voicemail's Kenny had left and he sounded sincere but he didn't come back home. Nicole became made and in a rage she didn't want to think this but what if he was with Toni! He would be mad, Toni would comfort him and then other things might happen. Nicole went to Toni's house and parked across the street. She couldn't see up the drive way from her car so she got out and walked up.

Nicole: Kenny got me all the way fucked up if he think he's going to be playing with me! Coming in when he feels like it and shit talking about I was with Toni and her sisters. * She said whispering to herself*

Nicole got close and saw that Kenny's car wasn't there. She was relieved to know that he wasn't there. Nicole called her friend and told her the great news. It was now about 3 in the morning and Nicole was tired and very sleepy. Nicole didn't want to risk driving home and causing an accident so she slept in her car. Around 6 that morning Kenny woke up happy as ever. He got himself together, thanked L.A. and his wife for letting him stay the night and left. Kenny stopped by the studio for 2 hours and then got a call.

Kenny: Hello?

Toni: Hey Ken you want to go get some breakfast?

Kenny: Just us?

Toni: Yeah the boys are with Keri and I'm bored.

Kenny: Okay, sure I'll be over in 20 just let me finish this last thing at the studio.

Kenny was so happy. He felt like she woke up thinking about him. Toni could had called her sisters and they would had came running but she called him.

Toni's P.O.V

I wonder what Ken has on today? Knowing him he's casual with some shades on? I wonder if I should wear this dress, will I be over doing? Toni what are you doing its just Ken! Yeah you guys had some moments last night but he's made it clear to you where you stand. Last night I just needed a fix and Ken gave me the best fix I could had asked for. Let me stop playing like if Kenny didn't ask me to be his woman right now I wouldn't say yes!

Kenny pulled up to Toni's house and went to the door. Toni invited him in and they embraced each other with the strongest, longest hug ever. Kenny picked Toni up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They kissed and Toni unwrapped her legs but they were still hugging.

Kenny: I see someone is glad to see me!

Toni: I could say the same thing. * Smirks*

Toni rushes off to finish getting dressed and yells to Kenny about where they were going to eat at.

Kenny: I don't know you wanted to go!

Toni: I have a taste for an omelet and hash browns.

Kenny: I think I have a taste for some Toni. * He says while walking towards Toni biting his bottom lip*

Toni and Kenny start making out and end up on the living room couch. Kenny looked Toni in her eyes and asked can they take it up stairs. Toni takes Kenny's hand and starts to lead him upstairs. Kenny notices that he had sat on his car remote wrong and the alarm was going off. He quickly turned it off and proceeded to follow Toni. Out on the street Nicole is awakened by the alarm going off.

Nicole: What time is it?

Nicole looked at her phone and saw that Kenny hadn't called anymore. She thought that he probably was home setting up this beautiful surprise to apologize. As Nicole started to pull away she was able to see clearly because it was daylight she saw that Kenny was at Toni's house. She stopped and stared at the horrible sight in disbelief. Nicole decided she was going to call Kenny and see if he would lie about where he was. Kenny has now ripped off all of Toni's clothes and she's taking his clothes off. Toni was unhooking his belt when his phone began to ring. Kenny looked at the phone and just stared at the screen.

Is Kenny going to answer the phone or continue to have sex with Toni? Will Nicole have to turn up on Kenny? Will Kenny decide to marry Nicole or will he end the engagement? Rate, vote, share, leave some feedback and tell me what you think will happen.

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