Damn! Damn! Damn!

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Kenny P.O.V
Every morning I wake up at 7 so I can go over to the house and cook breakfast for Toni. At first I would leave and let her enjoy her meal in peace. But soon she caught on and started waking up early. Now we eat breakfast together every morning and it's great.

Peyton: There's a family fun festival type party at the beach later on tonight can we go?!

Kenny: Sure it would be nice to have some family time. If that's ok with you Tone?

Toni: Sure.

Peyton and kids eat breakfast with Toni and Kenny and then leave.

Kenny: Your kids think they're slick. *Laughing*

Toni: I wonder where they get that from. *Smirking*

Kenny: Well I guess I'll get going I'll see you later tonight.

Toni: Okay I'll see later.

In The Game Room...
Peyton: So what do we do now?

Dylan: We wait.

Peyton: Wait on what?

Denim: Love.

Diezel: What? So our happiness is going to be based on love.

Denim: Yeah look this is how it's going to go. We get to the beach we go our way and they go their way.

Dylan: Then they talk and fall in love over again.

Brandon: Then everything goes back to normal.

Peyton: This better work or it's going to be hell to pay.

Denim/Diezel/Dylan/Brandon: Shut Up!

Toni P.O.V
Kenny has been so sweet and caring. I love the way he hasn't stopped being there for me. I'm so nervous for tonight which is crazy. I mean it's just Ken, me and the kids.

Kenny P.O.V
I can't tell if Toni is starting to come around. I think she's playing hard to get. She's still being Toni with me but she's never Tone. Hopefully tonight I can get my baby to really open up to me.

Around 5 Kenny goes to pick up the Toni and the kids. Of course the kids found a way to ride in a different vehicle. So it was just Kenny and Toni alone for a hour.

Kenny: So you look very beautiful.

Toni: Thanks... you look nice too.

Kenny: Tone I know this isn't the right time but I really miss you. I know until the rest of that video appears that we can't go back to how we were. But could you just for tonight let your guard down. I promise I won't try to take advantage of you with all my love and nice behavior.

Toni: I was really about to go off on you but that last part changed that. I promise I'll try to be more of the Toni your used to.

They finally arrive at the beach and everything is going great. They played games, ate and just talked. Soon the kids friends were at the beach and they went to hang out with them.

Toni: So Ken I guess it's just us?

Kenny: Those kids are always ditching us when their friends come around.

Toni: I know but we are the coolest parents out of all of their friends.

Kenny: Yeah that's true. All the dads are fat, bloated, bald and aren't attracted to their wives anymore.

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