New Beginnings

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The cops came and barely found any evidence on anything. Being that it was now turning into something serious a detective was assigned to the case.

Detective Williams: I've been assigned to your case can you tell me exactly what happened?

Toni: We were in the house sleep and was woken by the shattering glass and car alarms.

Detective Williams: Is there anyone you could think of that would do something like this?

Kenny: My ex wife is the only person I can think of.

Kenny gave the detective Nicole's information. The insurance company came and fixed their vehicle windows and it seemed like their day was actually turning nice.

Toni: I don't think I should invite my family over its been too much going on.

Kenny: Don't let this get you down call them and invite them over.

Toni and Kenny got showered and got dressed and cooked for the family.

Tamar: Girl what was so important that you just had to cook over here!

Toni: I have a surprise for you guys. *Walks down the hall with hands in pocket* Come in the kitchen.

The sisters and Ms. E walked in the kitchen to see Kenny standing behind Toni. Toni had the biggest grin and was blushing. She took her hand out her pocket and slammed it down on the counter.

Tamar: Oh uh uh what is this!
Trina: I'm going to need a drink!
Traci: About time!
Towanda: Is that an engagement ring?

Kenny & Toni: YES!

Ms. E: Baby I'm so happy for you! I have another son!

Tamar: So you don't want to kill his ass now I see. *Whispering*

Toni: Nope we're on great terms!

The sister congratulated Kenny and Toni and ate dinner and had fun. After a couple hours they left.

Toni: Today turned out to be fun after all!

Kenny: Yeah Babe it was I love spending time with your family their so funny.

Toni: When am I going to hang with the Edmonds and have fun with them?

Kenny: Soon very soon! *kisses Toni*

Kenny and Toni cleaned up the kitchen and then went to bed. Toni noticed that Kenny was acting different so she didn't bother him and went to sleep.

Toni P.O.V.
This situation has to be very hard for Ken. What if Nicole did do it and she goes to jail. How is he going to explain to Peyton that situation. But I've always wanted a daughter so I'm ready for that if it happens.

Kenny P.O.V.
I can't believe Nicole is trying to cause problems! If it was her I'm pressing charges and I don't care what her punishment is! Plus I'm going to fight her for full custody for Peyton!

Three Days Later....

Toni: Ken come on we need to go pick out some things for the wedding and reception!

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