How Difficult Can It Be?

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Kenny and Toni leave Malibu and Kenny drops Toni off. He heads to Tracey's house to help Dylan with his science project. Then Kenny heads to his divorce lawyer office. Kenny gets the paper printed and heads home to announce to Nicole that he wants a divorce. 

Peyton: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! 

Kenny: Hey princess! Where's your mom? 

Peyton: She's outside. 

Kenny and Peyton walk through the house laughing and playing. Then they walk outside. SURPRISE! Nicole invited her family and a few friends over. Kenny stood there in complete shock. Nicole walks toward Kenny with a huge smile on her face.

Nicole: Baby how do you like the surprise?

Kenny: I love it. * Smiling fake* We need to talk.

Nicole: Can it wait after the party? Peyton planned everything just for you!

Kenny: Okay but as soon as this party is over we have to talk.

Kenny goes and puts the divorce papers in his safe and heads back out to the party. He texts Toni the whole time smiling and giggling and his phone. Nicole and her friends noticed how into he was with his phone and decided to use Peyton to distract him from the phone. It worked a couple times but didn't last long. 

Nicole: Girl what am I going to do? Kenny wants to talk to me after the party is over and I don't want to hear what he has to say. 

Megan: Keep the party going or seduce him. Whatever is on his mind will be forgotten when sex is involved. 

Nicole: Well if those two choices don't work then I'll just use Peyton.

Megan: You can't keep using that child to avoid this conversation! 

Nicole: Watch me. 

Kenny looks at his watch and realizes that its 11 at night. He calls Nicole over quiets everyone down and announced that the party was over. Nicole got worried but remained calm. After all the guest were gone Nicole went and helped Peyton get ready for bed. Kenny made sure all the doors were locked and headed up stairs. 

Kenny: We need to talk. *Walking into the room*

Peyton: About what daddy? * Laying in bed*

Kenny: Why aren't you in your bed Peyton?

Peyton: Mommy said....

Nicole: She was scared and said she wanted to sleep with us tonight. Is that a problem?

Kenny: No its just that I really need to talk to you. I just remembered I have a deadline to meet before tomorrow morning so I won't be sleeping in here tonight. 

Kenny: Good night princess! 

Peyton: Good night daddy!

Nicole: Good nig....

Kenny shuts the door before Nicole can finish saying "night". Kenny goes into one of the guest rooms with his laptap and cellphone and starts to look for jewelry for Toni. He finds the perfect necklace, watch and ring but decides not to get the ring since it was an engagement ring. He orders the items and texts Toni. They text for the next couple of hours then make plans for tomorrow to meet at the studio. Kenny wakes up to a note. 

Note: Peyton and I are going to have a girls day today. I didn't want to wake you because you were sleeping so peacefully. I hope you have a great day honey. I love you very, very, very much!

At the spa....

Peyton: Mommy can I get my fingernails painted this color?

Nicole: Sure honey!

Megan: Girl I didn't think you could do it but you have done it. But how are you going to keep it going?

Nicole: I told you how. He's not going to talk about that around Peyton so all I have to do is keep her around. 

Megan: But what if he stops caring about that and says what he has to say?

Nicole: Idk...Stop trying to make me worry I have this all under control..I hope?

At Babyface Studio...

Toni: Soooo did you do it yet?

Kenny: Yeah I got the papers but she's been creating distractions from talking to me. Tonight I don't care what she says I'm telling her. 

Toni: Good I'm tired of sharing you baby! *kisses Kenny*

Kenny:  I know it'll all be over soon. 

Kenny and Toni finish up some things grab a bite to eat and goes shopping. Kenny decides its a great way to find out Toni's sizes in clothes and shoes. They say their goodbyes with a lot of kissing and grabbing and each head to their house. 

Toni P.O.V.

Kenny better not be playing with me. Ken is so sweet and quiet he'll sit back and let Nicole have her way until he really gets frustrated. And it will take a long time for him to get really annoyed by someone. But he won't do me like that we are soulmates and there's no way of denying that. He sounds very sure about everything. 

Kenny P.O.V.

I hope Tone realizes my true feelings for her. I pray she doesn't think I'm dragging her along for my own selfish reasons. I have to tell Nicole how I feel. I realize what she's doing but I know I can beat her at this game. I know Nicole and she hasn't thought how every situation could go. 

Will Nicole's next distraction work or will Kenny finally get the news out? Rate, vote, share, leave some feedback and tell me what you think will happen. 

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