We've Got Love But...

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The last couple of days have been stressful for everybody. No one can get over the fact that Peyton is being manner able and not talking back or cussing. Denim and Diezel thinks that she's under a spell but they still love her. But worst of all Toni and Kenny haven't touched or talked to each other at all. You wouldn't even know that they were married they are living and treating each other like roommates.

Toni P.O.V.
I know I might be being petty but he made me so mad that I couldn't control myself. I can't stay made at him but by now he would had normally came and gave me an attitude check. But he hasn't and its making me mad all over again and a little sad. He doesn't even look in my direction and he's always gone or with the kids. I wish I never would had blew up on him like that but it is what it is. Maybe my pride is standing in the way of my happiness I hope I can get over this petty little attitude.

Kenny P.O.V.

Since Tone tried me the other day I've been avoiding her and I know its wrong. But she needs to learn to trust and stop accusing me of random bullshit. I still love her but she is too much for me right now. I kind of like this way of living anyway now I don't have to put Tone in her spot every now and then. I know that's crazy but Tone can work your nerves when she catches her little fun size attitudes.

At Tamar's House

Trina: Toni what's wrong with you?

Toni: Nothing just tired of how things have been going lately.

Tamar: I know y'all not still arguing about that mess at the studio girl you better....

Towanda: Toni let it go.

Toni: I kind of want to now but Kenny is giving me the silent treatment.

Traci: See I told you about that mess Toni now the man is feed up and he's acting out silently.

Tamar: And you know Face quiet. He won't talk to your ass for years and he would barley notice anyway. *Laughing*

Towanda: Forreal now Toni go change that attitude and go talk to the man before he start treating you like you really don't exist.

Traci: Towanda what you mean like she really doesn't exist.

Towanda: You know...like...you do exist when y'all have sex right?

Toni: We haven't done that in awhile.

Everybody looks shocked they can't believe what they heard.

Trina: Y'all went from 3 to 5 hours a day to none at all. I think I need a drink. *Heads to kitchen*

Tamar: Get me one too girl and make it strong!

The girls started to talk more and have a few drinks. They decided to change the subject because they saw how sad Toni was getting.

Later That Afternoon...

Toni went to pick up Peyton from school because her Girls Scouts meeting got cancelled. She saw Peyton and her little boyfriend and began to blush. The little boy hugged Peyton gave her a dollar and a kiss on the cheek. Toni thought it was the cutest thing ever. Peyton was on a cloud nine the whole ride home she didn't even speak to Toni. Toni was going to get mad but she knew how Peyton was feeling she was hoping that soon she could feel that way again. When they pulled up home Toni saw that Kenny was there.

Toni: Peyton do you have homework?

Peyton: Yes I have to color in the lines and then write the alphabet and my numbers to 100.

Toni: Need any help?

Peyton: I don't think so I'll let you know. *Runs upstairs*

Toni goes into the kitchen grabs a bottle of water then heads into the movie theater. Kenny was in there relaxing.

Toni: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here.

Kenny: It's okay you can stay if you like.

Toni: Kenneth we need to talk.

Kenny: I'm listening.

Toni: I don't like how we are right now. This mess is petty and immature whatever I have to do I'll do it to get us back together.

Kenny: Tone we are together and that's not going to change but that attitude of yours has to go. I love you for who you are but you never listen unless I really act a fool on you. I have to almost show my ass to get my wife to act right that's not good.

Toni: I don't act like that your going overboard.

Kenny: That's what I'm talking about Toni you don't listen to anyone but yourself then you get mad like it's their fault when it's yours.

Toni: So what do you want me to say!

Kenny: I'm tired Toni!

Toni: Me too! You know maybe we need to figure some things out.

Kenny: Fine. *Walks Off*

Kenny goes into their room and packs a couple bags. He goes in the kitchen and sees Toni sitting on the counter. He walks up and stands between her legs and they stare at each other for 5 minutes not saying anything. Kenny smiles, kisses her forehead and whispers in her ear that he loves her.

Kenny: If you need anything just call or text me I'll be at my old house or the studio. I'll come over for dinner tonight to be with you and the kids if that's okay?

Toni: Yes that's okay. *Puts head down*

Kenny: *Picks up chin* Smile I swear to you it's not the end we are still together.

Toni kisses Kenny cheek and he leaves. She stares at her ring and smiles. Technically they were separated but since the word didn't come up to Toni he was busy at the studio or on tour in her mind. He was still a call away.

Toni P.O.V.
Why did I do that all I had to do was hush and now he's gone!I should had never said that but I thought he was going to give in.

Toni had Towanda get the kids for the night and Toni went to the grocery store. She was going to make the best meal that she could possible think of. She decided she was going to cook steak, asparagus, shrimp and mash potatoes. And for dessert she had an apple pie and ice cream but she was hoping that she would be the dessert. Toni decided she wasn't going to dress sexy she was going to dress casual. Kenny arrived right on time. Toni ran to the door in excitement but was a little puzzled that he rung the doorbell instead of using his key.

Toni: Hey Ken!

Kenny: Hey Baby! It smells good in here what did you cook?

Toni: You'll see. Tonight it's just us.

Kenny: Okay cool.

Toni fixes their plates and they sit down and start to talk.

Kenny: The food is good Tone.

Toni: I know I'm a chef remember.*Laughing*

Kenny: I don't know about all that. You know next week we leave to start the tour.

Toni: Yeah I know I'm so excited. So what are we going to do about us.

Kenny: We can do what we're doing now nobody has to know that I moved out.

Toni: Okay you know it feels like we're starting over and dating.

Kenny: I don't know about all that you will always be Toni Michele Braxton- Edmonds no matter how much we fall out.

Toni and Kenny finishes dinner and continue to have a good time. They realize it's getting late so they decide to cut the night short.

Toni: Goodnight drive safely. *Hugs Kenny*

Kenny: Goodnight and I will. *Kisses Toni neck*

Toni goes in the house while Kenny pulls off. She goes in the kitchen and grabs the ice cream out of the freezer and cuts a huge piece of apple pie. She stuffs her face until she can barely move then goes to sleep.

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